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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Frightening Things You Hear at a Black Hat Conference
From ACM Opinion

The Frightening Things You Hear at a Black Hat Conference

Here is a look at some of the highlights and scarier happenings taking place at the annual Black Hat hacker conference in Las Vegas last week.

Identifying Trending Stories on Twitter and Optimal Temperature For Data Center Computers
From ACM TechNews

Identifying Trending Stories on Twitter and Optimal Temperature For Data Center Computers

UTSC professor Bianca Schroeder and students Nosayba El-Sayed, Ioan Stefanovici, George Amvrosiadis, and Andy A. Hwang received a best paper award at the recent...

Tagging and Tracking Espionage Botnets
From ACM Opinion

Tagging and Tracking Espionage Botnets

A security researcher who's spent 18 months cataloging and tracking malicious software that was developed and deployed specifically for spying on governments, activists...

Curiosity Rover on Track For Early August Landing
From ACM News

Curiosity Rover on Track For Early August Landing

Eight days before reaching Mars, NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft performed a flight-path adjustment scheduled more than nine months ago.

Apple v. Samsung: 5 Surprising Reveals in Latest Court Documents
From ACM News

Apple v. Samsung: 5 Surprising Reveals in Latest Court Documents

The lawyers behind the upcoming Apple v. Samsung trial have been hard at work filing docket after docket as their court battle looms closer, and many of those dockets...

Meet 'rakshasa,' The Malware Infection Designed To Be ­ndetectable And Incurable
From ACM News

Meet 'rakshasa,' The Malware Infection Designed To Be ­ndetectable And Incurable

Malicious software, like all software, gets smarter all the time. In recent years it’s learned to destroy physical infrastructure, install itself through Microsoft...

Software: The New Networking Paradigm
From ACM News

Software: The New Networking Paradigm

VMware's planned acquisition of Nicra for $1.25 billion represents the evolution of networking beyond the hardware-dominated point of view that has sustained the...

At Getty Museum, Revelations of Art via Tech
From ACM News

At Getty Museum, Revelations of Art via Tech

Walking through gallery after gallery of classical European paintings, sculptures, and other antiquities at the J. Paul Getty Museum here, it's easy to get lost...

Microsoft's Lost Decade
From ACM News

Microsoft's Lost Decade

To the saccharine rhythm of a Muzak clip, Steve Ballmer crouched into a tackling stance and dashed across a ballroom stage at the Venetian Las Vegas.

Want To Find Jay-Z's Or Bill Gates' Private Jets? Openbarr Tracks 'untrackable' Flights
From ACM News

Want To Find Jay-Z's Or Bill Gates' Private Jets? Openbarr Tracks 'untrackable' Flights

Good news for paparazzi, stalkers, and corporate spies: "Private" jets are about to become significantly less private.

From ACM News

Gps Weakness Could Enable Mass Smartphone Hacking

Weaknesses in the technology that allows smartphone users to pinpoint themselves on a map, or check into restaurants and bars using apps such as Foursquare, could...

Meet the 'bots' that Edit Wikipedia
From ACM News

Meet the 'bots' that Edit Wikipedia

Wikipedia is written and maintained by tens of thousands of volunteers across the world. Those, in turn, are assisted by hundreds of "bots"—autonomous computer...

Timing Is Everything For the Games' Chief Timer
From ACM Opinion

Timing Is Everything For the Games' Chief Timer

Timing is everything for Peter Hürzeler, a man for whom "good enough" simply isn't.

What a Win or Loss on Mars Will Mean
From ACM Opinion

What a Win or Loss on Mars Will Mean

Anyone who's looked at the "Seven Minutes of Terror" trailer for next month's Mars landing might have wondered whether the planners behind NASA's $2.5 billion Mars...

DARPA-Funded Researcher Can Take Over Android And Nokia Phones By Merely Waving Another Device Near Them
From ACM News

DARPA-Funded Researcher Can Take Over Android And Nokia Phones By Merely Waving Another Device Near Them

Smartphones' growing adoption of so-called "near field communications" promises to let the device in your pocket wirelessly make payments, beam info to other phones...

Micro-Drones: The New Face of Cutting-Edge Warfare
From ACM News

Micro-Drones: The New Face of Cutting-Edge Warfare

Micro-aerial vehicles (MAVs) with uncanny navigation and real-time mapping capabilities could soon be zipping through indoor and outdoor spaces, running reconnaissance...

Advertising Gets Personal
From Communications of the ACM

Advertising Gets Personal

Online behavioral advertising and sophisticated data aggregation have changed the face of advertising and put privacy in the crosshairs.

DARPA Shredder Challenge Solved
From Communications of the ACM

DARPA Shredder Challenge Solved

The eight-person winning team used original computer algorithms to narrow the search space and then relied on human observation to move the pieces into their final...

Cosmic Simulations
From Communications of the ACM

Cosmic Simulations

With the help of supercomputers, scientists are now able to create models of large-scale astronomical events.

Obama Was Right: The Government Invented the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Obama Was Right: The Government Invented the Internet

Earlier this month, President Obama argued that wealthy business people owe some of their success to the government's investment in education and basic infrastructure...
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