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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

'Greeley Haven' is Winter Workplace for Mars Rover
From ACM News

'Greeley Haven' is Winter Workplace for Mars Rover

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity will spend the next several months at a site informally named "Greeley Haven."

Pentagon Scientists Use 'time Hole' to Make Events Disappear
From ACM News

Pentagon Scientists Use 'time Hole' to Make Events Disappear

Soldiers could one day conduct covert operations in complete secrecy, now that Pentagon-backed physicists have figured out how to mask entire events by distorting...

3-D Chips Grow Up
From ACM TechNews

3-D Chips Grow Up

Researchers are starting to build chips in the third dimension, and many industry experts believe that this year the chip will start to become a cube. Building...

Apache Launches Hadoop 1.0
From ACM TechNews

Apache Launches Hadoop 1.0

The Apache Software Foundation has released Apache Hadoop 1.0, an open source software framework for reliable, scalable, distributed computing. "This is a release...

Risky Rescue for Crippled Air Force Satellite
From ACM News

Risky Rescue for Crippled Air Force Satellite

It was an epic space rescue that, in audacity and risk, echoed NASA's campaign to save the astronauts aboard the doomed Apollo 13 moon mission.

Nasa Rover Mission Marks 8 Years on Mars
From ACM News

Nasa Rover Mission Marks 8 Years on Mars

While people on Earth have just finished celebrating the arrival of a new year, two NASA robots a world away are marking a big milestone of their own: eight years...

Scientists Create Brain-Like, Massively Parallel Computer from Molecules
From ACM News

Scientists Create Brain-Like, Massively Parallel Computer from Molecules

If you thought Japan was merely the master of miniaturization, tentacles, and creepy robots, think again: A group of Japanese scientists have built a massively...

Civilian Contractors Playing Key Roles in ­.s. Drone Operations
From ACM News

Civilian Contractors Playing Key Roles in ­.s. Drone Operations

After a U.S. airstrike mistakenly killed at least 15 Afghans in 2010, the Army officer investigating the accident was surprised to discover that an American civilian...

Computer Chips That Repair Themselves
From ACM News

Computer Chips That Repair Themselves

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign researchers have created a self-healing method that fixes cracks or failures in the circuits of computer chips.

Rise of the Drone: From Calif. Garage to Multibillion-Dollar Defense Industry
From ACM News

Rise of the Drone: From Calif. Garage to Multibillion-Dollar Defense Industry

In 1980, Abraham Karem, an engineer who had emigrated from Israel, retreated into his three-car garage in Hacienda Heights outside Los Angeles and, to the bemusement...

Beijing Launches Its Own Gps Rival
From ACM News

Beijing Launches Its Own Gps Rival

China has begun operating a homegrown satellite navigation service that is designed to provide an alternative to the U.S. Global Positioning System and, according...

Carmakers, ­.s. Worry About Hacking of Cars
From ACM News

Carmakers, ­.s. Worry About Hacking of Cars

Imagine this nightmarish possibility: al-Qaida terrorists remotely disabling the brakes on thousands of cars racing down a Bay Area freeway during the morning...

John McCarthy, 1927 - 2011
From Communications of the ACM

John McCarthy, 1927 - 2011

Winner of the 1971 A.M. Turing Award, John McCarthy was a founder of artificial intelligence and inventor of the Lisp programming language.

Revamping Storage Performance
From Communications of the ACM

Revamping Storage Performance

Great strides are being made in finding fast alternatives to the slow disks that dominate storage systems, but fast media are not nearly enough.

Better Medicine Through Machine Learning
From Communications of the ACM

Better Medicine Through Machine Learning

Computers that tease out patterns from clinical data could improve patient diagnosis and care.

Congress Funds Exascale Computing
From ACM TechNews

Congress Funds Exascale Computing

The U.S. Department of Energy recently won full Congressional funding to support the pursuit of exascale computing. 

No More Access to Google's Hadoop Cloud For Researchers
From ACM News

No More Access to Google's Hadoop Cloud For Researchers

Google announced it is ending its Academic Cloud Computing Initiative, a joint program with IBM and the National Science Foundation that gave researchers access...

Self-Healing Electronic Chip Tests May Aid Space Travel
From ACM News

Self-Healing Electronic Chip Tests May Aid Space Travel

Self-repairing electronic chips are one step closer, according to a team of U.S. researchers, creating a circuit that heals itself when cracked thanks to the...

The Perfect Software Tester?
From ACM News

The Perfect Software Tester?

As Aspiritech and other companies are discovering, autistic individuals possess certain unique skills that make them ideal as software testers.

Amazon Builds World's Fastest Nonexistent Supercomputer
From ACM News

Amazon Builds World's Fastest Nonexistent Supercomputer

The 42nd fastest supercomputer on earth doesn’t exist.
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