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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

It Started Digital Wheels Turning
From ACM News

It Started Digital Wheels Turning

Researchers in Britain are about to embark on a 10-year, multimillion-dollar project to build a computer—but their goal is neither dazzling analytical power nor...

Poor Penmanship Spells Job Security For Post Office's Scribble Specialists
From ACM News

Poor Penmanship Spells Job Security For Post Office's Scribble Specialists

A man in Emden, Mo., recently mailed a letter that he had addressed, in a scribble, to somebody in "Shelhjreille, Mo." That's the way his handwriting made it...

From ACM News

Google Changes Search Algorithm, Trying to Make Results More Timely

Many Google search results will be more timely after Google made a significant change to its search algorithm last week that it said would affect about 35% of...

3D Chips: The Next Electronics Revolution
From ACM TechNews

3D Chips: The Next Electronics Revolution

The semiconductor industry is moving toward three-dimensional (3D) chip design, stacking dies and moving data from one layer to another. 

Japan Pushes World's Fastest Computer Past 10 Petaflop Barrier
From ACM News

Japan Pushes World's Fastest Computer Past 10 Petaflop Barrier

The Japanese have broken the 10 petaflop barrier. On Wednesday, Japanese IT giant Fujitsu and the government-funded RIKEN research lab announced the supercomputer...

Stuxnet Raises 'blowback' Risk In Cyberwar
From ACM News

Stuxnet Raises 'blowback' Risk In Cyberwar

The Stuxnet computer worm, arguably the first and only cybersuperweapon ever deployed, continues to rattle security experts around the world, one year after its...

New Hybrid Technology Could Bring 'quantum Information Systems'
From ACM TechNews

New Hybrid Technology Could Bring 'quantum Information Systems'

Purdue University researchers are developing a new hybrid technology that could lead to a new approach to quantum computing. The technology would use metamaterials...

Catching a Wave, and Measuring It
From ACM News

Catching a Wave, and Measuring It

James Gosling wants to network the world’s oceans.

From ACM News

H.p. Builds Servers With Cellphone Chips

Hewlett-Packard announced on Tuesday a new design for some of the world's largest computer centers and says it could reduce power consumption in some cases by...

How Your iPhone Chip Will Reinvent the Internet Data Center
From ACM News

How Your iPhone Chip Will Reinvent the Internet Data Center

Jonathan Heiliger is the kind of guy you want running your data center.

Searching For Balloons in a Social Network
From ACM TechNews

Searching For Balloons in a Social Network

In the process of winning DARPA's Red Balloon Challenge, the MIT researchers collected and analyzed a large amount of data on the size and scope of Internet connections...

To Diagnose Heart Disease, Visualization Experts Recommend a Simpler Approach
From ACM TechNews

To Diagnose Heart Disease, Visualization Experts Recommend a Simpler Approach

Harvard University researchers have developed HemoVis, a method for visualizing human arteries that, in clinical testing, increased diagnostic accuracy from 39...

From ACM News

In Surprise, China ­nveils Supercomputer Based on Its Own Chips

China has made its first supercomputer based on Chinese microprocessor chips, an advance that surprised high-performance computing specialists in the United States...

Ice Cream Sandwich: A Deep-Dive Tour With Android
From ACM Opinion

Ice Cream Sandwich: A Deep-Dive Tour With Android

There are few things in this world I despise more than software updates. Downloading hundreds of files, waiting for the progress bar to fill, restarting the device—it’s...

How Yahoo Spawned Hadoop, the Future of Big Data
From ACM News

How Yahoo Spawned Hadoop, the Future of Big Data

The email went to Eric14. His real name is Eric Baldeschwieler, but no one calls him that. At fourteen letters, Baldeschwieler is a mouthful, and he works in...

Are Drones Creating a New Global Arms Race?
From ACM News

Are Drones Creating a New Global Arms Race?

Plastic tanks and miniature models of fighter jets are on display in Steven Zaloga's home office, and his bookshelves are overflowing with volumes about the history...

Ramcloud: When Disks and Flash Memory Are Just Too Slow
From ACM TechNews

Ramcloud: When Disks and Flash Memory Are Just Too Slow

Stanford University researchers have developed RAMCloud, a scalable, high performance storage approach that can store data in dynamic random access memory and aggregate...

Transparent, Super-Stretchy Skin-Like Sensor
From ACM News

Transparent, Super-Stretchy Skin-Like Sensor

Using carbon nanotubes bent to act as springs, Stanford researchers have developed a stretchable, transparent skin-like sensor that can be stretched to more than...

John Rogers's Bendable Microprocessors
From ACM News

John Rogers's Bendable Microprocessors

John Rogers was in his lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign six years ago, testing new ways to make electronic circuits, when one of his team...

Future Computers Could Rewire Themselves
From ACM News

Future Computers Could Rewire Themselves

Future microchips may have only one type of component, capable of rewiring itself to do different jobs. Researchers from Northwestern University in the U.S. have...
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