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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Modeling Chaotic Storms
From Communications of the ACM

Modeling Chaotic Storms

Scientists say improvements to extreme-weather prediction are possible with new weather models and a reinvention of the modeling technologies used to process them...

Carnegie Mellon Develops Touchscreen Technology That Distinguishes Taps By Different Parts of Finger
From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon Develops Touchscreen Technology That Distinguishes Taps By Different Parts of Finger

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed TapSense, a system that combines a microphone with a touchscreen to distinguish the difference between the...

­niversity Studies Crowdsourcing For Intelligence
From ACM TechNews

­niversity Studies Crowdsourcing For Intelligence

The U.S. intelligence community is studying how to tap the power of crowdsourcing through a multi-university effort. 

From ACM TechNews

Magnifying Research: Scientists Team Together to Upgrade K-State's Supercomputer, Benefiting Other Colleges, Too

Kansas State University researchers are using a $700,000 U.S. National Science Foundation grant to upgrade its Beocat supercomputer, a cluster of servers that provides...

Wearable Depth-Sensing Projection System Makes Any Surface Capable of Multitouch Interaction
From ACM TechNews

Wearable Depth-Sensing Projection System Makes Any Surface Capable of Multitouch Interaction

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and Microsoft have developed OmniTouch, a wearable projection system that enables users to turn any object into a graphical...

Scientists Create Computing Building Blocks From Bacteria and Dna
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Create Computing Building Blocks From Bacteria and Dna

Imperial College London researchers say they have developed a method for building logic gates out of bacteria and DNA, which makes them the most advanced biological...

Secure Android Kernel Could Make For 'classified' Smart Phones
From ACM TechNews

Secure Android Kernel Could Make For 'classified' Smart Phones

Researchers at George Mason University, the U.S. National Security Agency, and Google have developed a hardened kernel for the Android 3.0 operating system that...

Could a Computer One Day Rewire Itself?
From ACM TechNews

Could a Computer One Day Rewire Itself?

Northwestern University researchers have developed a nanomaterial that can guide electrical currents, which could lead to a computer that can redesign its internal...

Proton-Based Transistor Breakthrough
From ACM News

Proton-Based Transistor Breakthrough

Researchers at the University of Washington have developed a proton-based transistor that might eventually enable machines to communicate with living things.

Supercomputing's Exascale Arms Race
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing's Exascale Arms Race

The United States wants to achieve exaflop speeds for supercomputing, but China, the European Union, India, Japan, and Russia also have set their sights on exascale...

Table Salt Found to Boost Data Storage Density
From ACM TechNews

Table Salt Found to Boost Data Storage Density

Table salt could be used to increase the capacity of hard drives from as much as 4 Tbytes today to more than 21 Tbytes, according to researchers at the Institute...

From ACM News

Light Is Not Fast Enough For High-Speed Stock Trading

Every microsecond counts in stock trading. The New York Stock Exchange handles a third of the world's stock trading—around 22 billion messages a day. But NYSE Euronext...

From ACM Opinion

Dennis Ritchie: The Shoulders Steve Jobs Stood On

The tributes to Dennis Ritchie won’t match the river of praise that spilled out over the web after the death of Steve Jobs. But they should.

Progress in Quantum Computing, Qubit by Qubit
From ACM TechNews

Progress in Quantum Computing, Qubit by Qubit

 Harvard University researchers have developed a method for capturing light in tiny diamond pillars embedded in silver, releasing a stream of single photons at...

Physicists to Develop New Way of Electronic Computing
From ACM TechNews

Physicists to Develop New Way of Electronic Computing

University of California, Riverside researchers are developing a new way of computing designed to accelerate applications that process large amounts of data, such...

Video Documents Three-Year Trek on Mars by NASA Rover
From ACM News

Video Documents Three-Year Trek on Mars by NASA Rover

While NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity was traveling from Victoria crater to Endeavour crater, between September 2008 and August 2011, the rover team...

From ACM News

In Supercomputing, a Turn to Energy-Saving Graphics Chips

In computing, as in so many fields, the best path to progress is often not a straight line.

From ACM TechNews

Nsf Seeks Cyber Infrastructure to Make Sense of Scientific Data

The National Science Foundation recently called on University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill researchers to develop a national data infrastructure that will help...

Advances in Reliable Computing Draw Recognition For Doctoral Student
From ACM TechNews

Advances in Reliable Computing Draw Recognition For Doctoral Student

Arizona State University doctoral student Reiley Jeyapaul's research focuses on finding solutions to the problems that cause computers to crash, lose data, or behave...

From ACM News

Light Is Not Fast Enough For High-Speed Stock Trading

Every microsecond counts in stock trading. The New York Stock Exchange handles a third of the world's stock trading—around 22 billion messages a day. But NYSE...
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