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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Computer Vision That Works More Like a Brain Sees More Like People Do
From ACM TechNews

Computer Vision That Works More Like a Brain Sees More Like People Do

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers trained an artificial neural network to function like the brain's inferior temporal cortex to improve computer...

U.S. and E.U. Complete Long-Awaited Deal on Sharing Data
From ACM News

U.S. and E.U. Complete Long-Awaited Deal on Sharing Data

The agreement ends legal uncertainty for Meta, Google and scores of companies — at least for now.

Buddying Up to AI
From ACM News

Buddying Up to AI

Artificial Intelligence-based companions and chatbots allow people to form deep connections through long-term interactions.

Testing Real Driverless Cars in a Virtual Environment
From ACM TechNews

Testing Real Driverless Cars in a Virtual Environment

Vehicle-in-Virtual-Environment software developed by The Ohio State University researchers allows the testing of driverless vehicles in completely safe virtual...

10 Million Sign Up for Meta's Twitter Rival App, Threads
From ACM News

10 Million Sign Up for Meta's Twitter Rival App, Threads

The Twitter-like microblogging experience suggests that Meta Platforms has been gearing up to directly challenge the platform.

Alphabet Bets on Lasers to Deliver Internet in Remote Areas
From ACM TechNews

Alphabet Bets on Lasers to Deliver Internet in Remote Areas

The Taara project uses lasers to bring Internet access to remote and rural locations.

How Secure Are Voice Authentication Systems?
From ACM TechNews

How Secure Are Voice Authentication Systems?

Computer scientists have developed an attack that can bypass voice authentication security systems within six attempts.

Junk Websites Filled with AI-Generated Text are Pulling In Money from Programmatic Ads
From ACM News

Junk Websites Filled with AI-Generated Text are Pulling In Money from Programmatic Ads

More than 140 brands are advertising on low-quality content farm sites—and the problem is growing fast.

Wearable Sweat Sensor Detects Molecular Hallmark of Inflammation
From ACM TechNews

Wearable Sweat Sensor Detects Molecular Hallmark of Inflammation

A multi-institutional team of researchers created a wearable skin sensor that can detect the C-reactive protein inflammation biomarker in perspiration.

Study Bolsters Room-Temperature Superconductor Claim
From ACM News

Study Bolsters Room-Temperature Superconductor Claim

Researchers verified a key measurement from a study earlier this year that had faced doubts from other scientists.

A.I. May Someday Work Medical Miracles. For Now, It Helps Do Paperwork
From ACM News

A.I. May Someday Work Medical Miracles. For Now, It Helps Do Paperwork

The best use for generative A.I. in health care, doctors say, is to ease the heavy burden of documentation that takes them hours a day and contributes to burnout...

The Race to Prevent 'the Worst Case Scenario for Machine Learning'
From ACM News

The Race to Prevent 'the Worst Case Scenario for Machine Learning'

A.I. companies have an edge in blocking the creation and distribution of child sexual abuse material. They've seen how social media companies failed.

After Twitter
From ACM News

After Twitter

New social apps arise to challenge troubled Twitter.

Atlas of Human Brain Blood Vessels Highlights Changes in Alzheimer's Disease
From ACM TechNews

Atlas of Human Brain Blood Vessels Highlights Changes in Alzheimer's Disease

Scientists created a molecular atlas of human brain blood vessels to highlight Alzheimer's disease-related changes across six regions.

Google Backs Creation of Cybersecurity Clinics with $20-Million Donation
From ACM TechNews

Google Backs Creation of Cybersecurity Clinics with $20-Million Donation

Google CEO Sundar Pichai pledged $20 million to support and expand the Consortium of Cybersecurity Clinics.

Accelerating Optical Communications with AI
From Communications of the ACM

Accelerating Optical Communications with AI

Communications efficiency helps bring photonics to artificial intelligence.

The Rise of the Chatbots
From Communications of the ACM

The Rise of the Chatbots

How do we keep track of the truth when bots are becoming increasingly skilled liars?

Outsmarting Deepfake Video
From Communications of the ACM

Outsmarting Deepfake Video

Looking for truth, when "it's becoming surprisingly easy to distort reality."

Unleashing Photonic Computing Potential Through Artificial 'Life'
From ACM News

Unleashing Photonic Computing Potential Through Artificial 'Life'

Researchers at the California Institute of Technology have used optical hardware for cellular automata, implementing computer models with evolving behaviors in...

Doctors Train in Virtual Reality
From ACM News

Doctors Train in Virtual Reality

Simulations prepare surgeons for the real thing.
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