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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

CRISPR-Based Map Ties Every Human Gene to Its Function
From ACM TechNews

CRISPR-Based Map Ties Every Human Gene to Its Function

A group of researchers have published the first comprehensive functional map of genes expressed in human cells.

Multi-Spin Flips and a Pathway to Efficient Ising Machines
From ACM TechNews

Multi-Spin Flips and a Pathway to Efficient Ising Machines

Researchers at Japan's Waseda University have developed a hybrid algorithm to improve Ising machines' efficiency with multi-spin flips.

Clearview AI's Facial Recognition Tool Coming to Apps, Schools
From ACM TechNews

Clearview AI's Facial Recognition Tool Coming to Apps, Schools

Clearview AI said it is expanding sales of its facial recognition software to companies outside of law enforcement.

Using Light, Sound to Reveal Rapid Brain Activity in Unprecedented Detail
From ACM TechNews

Using Light, Sound to Reveal Rapid Brain Activity in Unprecedented Detail

Duke University researchers have developed an approach that allows for real-time scanning and imaging of blood flow and oxygen levels in a mouse brain.

The Era of Borderless Data Is Ending
From ACM News

The Era of Borderless Data Is Ending

Nations are accelerating efforts to control data produced within their perimeters, disrupting the flow of what has become a kind of digital currency.

Addressing Labor Shortages with Automation
From Communications of the ACM

Addressing Labor Shortages with Automation

Labor shortages have many companies turning to automation technology, but with mixed outcomes.

Immersion Cooling Heats Up
From Communications of the ACM

Immersion Cooling Heats Up

Depending on climate conditions, the availability of renewables and other factors, immersion cooling can make a profound difference in both energy consumption and...

DARPA: Safeguarding Data for Stronger Democracy
From ACM News

DARPA: Safeguarding Data for Stronger Democracy

The agency is using emerging encryption techniques to protect data in transit, in storage, and during computation.

Raising Robovoices
From Communications of the ACM

Raising Robovoices

New systems can model and synthesize voices, and even translate them into other languages.

Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health
From Communications of the ACM

Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health

How AI can be used to improve diagnosis of mental health conditions.

These are The 5 Most In-Demand Cloud Computing Jobs in 2022
From ACM News

These are The 5 Most In-Demand Cloud Computing Jobs in 2022

Unlike sectors such as hospitality, the cloud computing industry continued to grow in 2020 and onwards. But it's not stopping there.

U.S. FBI Says It Disrupted Russian Hackers
From ACM TechNews

U.S. FBI Says It Disrupted Russian Hackers

U.S. officials said the Federal Bureau of Investigation had seized control of thousands of routers and firewall appliances from Russian hackers.

Volunteers Scramble to Preserve Ukraine's Digital Culture
From ACM TechNews

Volunteers Scramble to Preserve Ukraine's Digital Culture

More than 1,300 volunteers are working to preserve Ukraine's digital culture.

UPS Expands Deal with Google Cloud to Prepare for Surge in Data
From ACM TechNews

UPS Expands Deal with Google Cloud to Prepare for Surge in Data

United Parcel Service has expanded its deal with Google Cloud, which will involve greater network, storage, and computing capacity.

Deepfakes Trying to Change the Course of War
From ACM TechNews

Deepfakes Trying to Change the Course of War

Deepfake videos are being used to manipulate the course of the war in Ukraine.

A Tool for Predicting the Future
From ACM TechNews

A Tool for Predicting the Future

A group of researchers has developed a system that allows nonexperts to generate predictions in just a few seconds.

Can AI Learn to Forget?
From Communications of the ACM

Can AI Learn to Forget?

Specialized techniques may make it possible to induce selective 'amnesia' in machine learning models.

Technology's Impact on Morality
From Communications of the ACM

Technology's Impact on Morality

Leading technologists and thinkers are concerned about technology's impact on our ethical thinking.

Russia Faces IT Crisis with Just Two Months of Data Storage Left
From ACM TechNews

Russia Faces IT Crisis with Just Two Months of Data Storage Left

The withdrawal of Western cloud computing companies from Russia has left the country with roughly two months before it runs out of IT data storage.

Encryption Meant to Protect Against Quantum Hackers Is Easily Cracked
From ACM TechNews

Encryption Meant to Protect Against Quantum Hackers Is Easily Cracked

Ward Beullens at IBM Research Zurich in Switzerland easily cracked a cryptography algorithm touted as one of three contenders for a global standard against quantum...
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