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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Share of Black S&e Degrees From Hbcus Declines in 2008
From ACM TechNews

Share of Black S&e Degrees From Hbcus Declines in 2008

Recent U.S. National Science Foundation studies have shown that the percentage of minorities earning bachelor's degrees in science and engineering from historically...

From ACM News

The Winners and Losers from Google's Search Change

Google's major revamp of its search rankings last week created a new set of winners and losers, but some critics of the company say the changes are not being...

How We Know
From ACM News

How We Know

James Gleick's first chapter has the title "Drums That Talk." It explains the concept of information by looking at a simple example.

Follow the Money: Tiny Transistors Track Cash
From ACM News

Follow the Money: Tiny Transistors Track Cash

Banks have long considered placing silicon transistors on currency for security purposes, but the technology was too chunky and intensive for paper bills. Now...

From ACM News

Russia Requested ­nloading of Bushehr Reactor Fuel

Tehran’s ambassador to Moscow has said the decision to unload fuel from the reactor of the Bushehr nuclear power plant is based on a request by Russia and has...

Goal-Line Technologists Fail Fifa Test
From ACM News

Goal-Line Technologists Fail Fifa Test

Fifa's plans to introduce goal-line technology have suffered a setback after every one of the 10 companies which took part in trials last week failed to meet...

­U.S. Sets 21st-Century Goal: Building a Better Patent Office
From ACM News

­U.S. Sets 21st-Century Goal: Building a Better Patent Office

President Obama, who emphasizes American innovation, says modernizing the federal Patent and Trademark Office is crucial to "winning the future." So at a time when...

Augmented Reality Iphone Helps Police Track Suspects
From ACM News

Augmented Reality Iphone Helps Police Track Suspects

Picture the scene: armed police officers are warned on their radios that a suspected male terrorist has been tracked to a crowded football stadium.

A Semantic Sommelier: Wine Application Highlights the Power of Web 3.0
From ACM TechNews

A Semantic Sommelier: Wine Application Highlights the Power of Web 3.0

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute professor Deborah McGuinness has developed a group of applications designed to enhance wine knowledge and appreciation. The applications...

New Technology Pinpoints Genetic Differences Between Cancer, Non-Cancer Patients
From ACM TechNews

New Technology Pinpoints Genetic Differences Between Cancer, Non-Cancer Patients

Virginia Tech scientists have developed technology that can find genetic differences between breast cancer patients and healthy individuals.

Calling All Cars: Cell Phone Networks and the Future of Traffic
From ACM News

Calling All Cars: Cell Phone Networks and the Future of Traffic

Ask someone what they think the future of driving is, and the most likely response involves self-driving cars.

Blogs Wane as the Young Drift to Sites Like Twitter
From ACM News

Blogs Wane as the Young Drift to Sites Like Twitter

Like any aspiring filmmaker, Michael McDonald, a high school senior, used a blog to show off his videos. But discouraged by how few people bothered to visit,...

Cerf: 2011 Will Be Proving Point For 'interplanetary Internet'
From ACM TechNews

Cerf: 2011 Will Be Proving Point For 'interplanetary Internet'

The InterPlanetary Internet initiative to extend the Internet into outer space is using a Bundle Protocol that was developed as part of a general notion for a delay...

Gary Chapman, Technologist: 1952 - 2010
From Communications of the ACM

Gary Chapman, Technologist: 1952 - 2010

He raised important public issues, such as the impact of computers and the Internet on society, and encouraged social responsibility for computer professionals....

Evaluating Government Funding
From Communications of the ACM

Evaluating Government Funding

A presidential report asserts the value of U.S. government investments in the cross-agency Networking and Information Technology Research...

Twitter as Medium and Message
From Communications of the ACM

Twitter as Medium and Message

Researchers are mining Twitter's vast flow of data to measure public sentiment, follow political activity, and detect earthquakes and flu outbreaks.

Female Topics Encourage Girls to Study Science
From ACM TechNews

Female Topics Encourage Girls to Study Science

Science should be presented in a female friendly way to get girls more interested in the subject, says the University of Luxembourg's Sylvie Kerger, who studies...

New Hacking Tools Pose Bigger Threats to Wi-Fi ­sers
From ACM News

New Hacking Tools Pose Bigger Threats to Wi-Fi ­sers

You may think the only people capable of snooping on your Internet activity are government intelligence agents or possibly a talented teenage hacker holed up...

Ibm's Watson Becomes Big Man on Campus With Jeopardy Win
From ACM News

Ibm's Watson Becomes Big Man on Campus With Jeopardy Win

Jeopardy champion Watson is making IBM as sexy to work for as Apple, Google or Facebook.

It's a Bird! It's a Spy! It's Both
From ACM News

It's a Bird! It's a Spy! It's Both

A pocket-size drone dubbed the Nano Hummingbird for the way it flaps its tiny robotic wings has been developed for the Pentagon by a Monrovia company as a mini...
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