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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From Communications of the ACM

ACM Fellows Honored

Forty-one men and women are inducted as 2010 ACM Fellows.

Following the Crowd
From Communications of the ACM

Following the Crowd

Crowdsourcing is based on a simple but powerful concept: Virtually anyone has the potential to plug in valuable information.

Maurice Wilkes: The Last Pioneer
From Communications of the ACM

Maurice Wilkes: The Last Pioneer

Computer science has lost not only a great scientist, but an important link to the electronic computing revolution that took place in the 1940s.

Chipping Away at Greenhouse Gases
From Communications of the ACM

Chipping Away at Greenhouse Gases

Power-saving processor algorithms have the potential to create significant energy and cost savings.

From ACM News

Egypt's Internet Goes Dark During Political ­nrest

Egypt has gone offline.

Dealing With Assange and the Secrets He Spilled
From ACM News

Dealing With Assange and the Secrets He Spilled

This past June, Alan Rusbridger, the editor of The Guardian, phoned me and asked, mysteriously, whether I had any idea how to arrange a secure communication....

Intel Agency: Without Videogames, We
From ACM News

Intel Agency: Without Videogames, We

American intelligence analysts are biased, and therefore make lousy decisions—even the spooky agencies admit that. The spy guys’ new hope for introducing some...

New Meters Aim to Cure Parking Headaches
From ACM News

New Meters Aim to Cure Parking Headaches

Soon San Francisco drivers won't need to cruise endlessly in search of an available parking spot.

Sandia's Heroux Named Editor of ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
From ACM News

Sandia's Heroux Named Editor of ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software

Sandia National Laboratories researcher Mike Heroux has been named editor-in-chief of the ACM  journal Transactions on Mathematical Software.

From ACM News

Domestic ­se of Aerial Drones By Law Enforcement Likely to Prompt Privacy Debate

The suspect's house, just west of this city, sat on a hilltop at the end of a steep, exposed driveway. Agents with the Texas Department of Public Safety believed...

From ACM News

Qualified Success Claimed Against Computer Worm

Cybersecurity experts combating the Conficker worm claimed qualified success but said millions of computers world-wide were still infected by the malicious software...

From ACM News

The End of Credit Cards Is Coming

Credit cards may soon be as outdated as vinyl records. (Remember them?) And this is the year that the slow, steady march to oblivion begins.

From ACM News

Social Media and Law Enforcement: Who Gets What Data and When?

This month, we were reminded how important it is that social media companies do what they can to protect the sensitive data they hold from the prying eyes ofreported...

From ACM TechNews

Survey Reveals Potential Innovation Gap in the U.s.

Young women in the U.S. represent an untapped group of potential inventors, according to the 2011 Lemelson-MIT Invention Index. The latest index shows that women...

Where High Speed Internet Meets Smart Grid
From ACM News

Where High Speed Internet Meets Smart Grid

Advanced internet technologies, energy management and the smart grid are coming together in an unlikely location: a mid-sized city in the South.

From ACM TechNews

'outrageous Ideas' at Cidr: Seeking to Stimulate Innovative Research Directions

The Computing Community Consortium is sponsoring "wacky idea" sessions aimed at identifying major new research opportunities. The program hopes to move beyond...

Obama Honors Outstanding Science, Math, Engineering Mentors
From ACM News

Obama Honors Outstanding Science, Math, Engineering Mentors

President Obama has named 11 individuals and 4 organizations as 2011 recipients of the prestigious Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics,...

Nasa Inventions Headed to Your Home
From ACM News

Nasa Inventions Headed to Your Home

With only two shuttle flights left and the future of manned spaceflight in question, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is having a bit of an identity...

From ACM TechNews

Administration Says It Will Give Industry and Academia Heads Up on Cyberattacks

Universities and businesses will be supplied with government intelligence about malicious Internet activities by the Obama administration so that they can defend...

From ACM News

Iran Seeks to Boost Corps of Web Watchers

Iran's top police chief envisions a new beat for his forces: patrolling cyberspace.
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