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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

'outrageous Ideas' at Cidr: Seeking to Stimulate Innovative Research Directions

The Computing Community Consortium is sponsoring "wacky idea" sessions aimed at identifying major new research opportunities. The program hopes to move beyond...

Obama Honors Outstanding Science, Math, Engineering Mentors
From ACM News

Obama Honors Outstanding Science, Math, Engineering Mentors

President Obama has named 11 individuals and 4 organizations as 2011 recipients of the prestigious Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics,...

Nasa Inventions Headed to Your Home
From ACM News

Nasa Inventions Headed to Your Home

With only two shuttle flights left and the future of manned spaceflight in question, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is having a bit of an identity...

From ACM TechNews

Administration Says It Will Give Industry and Academia Heads Up on Cyberattacks

Universities and businesses will be supplied with government intelligence about malicious Internet activities by the Obama administration so that they can defend...

From ACM News

Iran Seeks to Boost Corps of Web Watchers

Iran's top police chief envisions a new beat for his forces: patrolling cyberspace.

Bending and Stretching Classroom Lessons to Make Math Inspire
From ACM News

Bending and Stretching Classroom Lessons to Make Math Inspire

At the aptly named Tiny Thai restaurant here, a small table, about two and a half feet square, was jammed with a teapot, two plates of curry, a bowl of soup,...

From ACM TechNews

Battle For Tech Geeks: Street vs. Silicon Valley

Wall Street firms are aggressively competing with Silicon Valley for computer programmers and software engineers by offering more laid-back office environments,...

Ipad Animation Helps Assess Mobility in Elderly
From ACM News

Ipad Animation Helps Assess Mobility in Elderly

Two professors at Wake Forest University have developed the Mobility Assessment Tool which uses an iPad and video animation to assess the physical mobility of older...

In New Military, Data Overload Can Be Deadly
From ACM News

In New Military, Data Overload Can Be Deadly

When military investigators looked into an attack by American helicopters last February that left 23 Afghan civilians dead, they found that the operator of a ...

Israel Tests on Worm Called Crucial in Iran Nuclear Delay
From ACM News

Israel Tests on Worm Called Crucial in Iran Nuclear Delay

The Dimona complex in the Negev desert is famous as the heavily guarded heart of Israel’s never-acknowledged nuclear arms program, where neat rows of factories...

Wolfram Education Apps Raise Teaching Dilemma
From ACM News

Wolfram Education Apps Raise Teaching Dilemma

Wolfram Research, a software company with deep mathematical and scientific expertise, is expanding to the broad education market with a range of mobile apps.

Seeking the World's Best Postdocs
From ACM News

Seeking the World's Best Postdocs

Society in Science, the unique worldwide fellowship for outstanding postdoctoral researchers, is using video, print, and online advertising to spread the word about...

Eight Jfk News Conferences Now Available Online in Digital Format
From ACM News

Eight Jfk News Conferences Now Available Online in Digital Format

Using audio tapes preserved by the University of North Dakota, eight John F. Kennedy news conferences from the early '60s have been digitized and placed online....

From ACM TechNews

International Cybersecurity Treaty Might Not Be Achievable, Report Says

An international pact to establish cybersecurity regulations may be unworkable, according to an EastWest Institute report. "Many states are not ready for [a global...

Project Euclid's Mathjax Displays 'beautiful Math' Online
From ACM TechNews

Project Euclid's Mathjax Displays 'beautiful Math' Online

Project Euclid, an online information community for mathematicians, has implemented MathJax, new technology that presents math attractively and reliably on the...

Will You Tweet This?
From ACM News

Will You Tweet This?

New analysis could help predict how stories will be shared.

How High-Frequency Trading Is Changing Wall Street
From ACM News

How High-Frequency Trading Is Changing Wall Street

On May 6, 2010, the Dow Jones industrial average dropped hundreds of points in a matter of minutes—and then recovered moments later.

Groundbreaking Edsac Computer to Be Recreated at Bletchley Park
From ACM News

Groundbreaking Edsac Computer to Be Recreated at Bletchley Park

The Computer Conservation Society has commissioned a working replica of the Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator (EDSAC),  the U.K.'s first fully operational...

From ACM News

Wikipedia Is Turning 10, and Founder Jimmy Wales Has Big Plans

For a very long while, knowledge was privileged and so were books, and only privileged people had access to either. Then came printing presses and libraries,...

From ACM TechNews

Madrid Opts For Robotics For Its Citizens Services

The Autonomous Community of Madrid is sponsoring Robocity2030, a consortium aimed at developing new applications for service robots to help improve humans' quality...
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