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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Kinect's Future: A Game Controller in Everything
From ACM News

Kinect's Future: A Game Controller in Everything

Kinect isn't just for gaming. Microsoft has plans to use the motion-based technology in phones, computers and more.

Why Is a Universal Translator So Elusive?
From ACM News

Why Is a Universal Translator So Elusive?

With a global economy and flights that can take you all over the world in hours, why is it that we still struggle with a language barrier that technology is finding...

Robot Troops Will Follow Orders, Beat You at Rock, Paper, Scissors
From ACM News

Robot Troops Will Follow Orders, Beat You at Rock, Paper, Scissors

The military has a ton of ground robots scurrying around Afghanistan. Too bad they’re dumb as puppets, unable to make the slightest move without a human pulling...

Whoi Receives Foundation Grant For Oceanography Imaging Informatics
From ACM News

Whoi Receives Foundation Grant For Oceanography Imaging Informatics

In a significant step toward a new era in the collection and understanding of ocean science data, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) has received a...

Speed Camera Checks Your Insurance, Tax, Even Whether You're Tailgating
From ACM News

Speed Camera Checks Your Insurance, Tax, Even Whether You're Tailgating

Even the most law-abiding driver might feel a shiver down the spine when spotting this speed camera at the roadside.

From ACM News

President Honors Outstanding Early-Career Scientists

President Obama has named 85 researchers as recipients of the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the...

From ACM TechNews

'net Pioneers: Open Internet Should Be Separate

A group of Internet and technology pioneers recently filed a document with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, advising the agency to allow for an open...

'code For America' Programmers to Work in City Governments
From ACM TechNews

'code For America' Programmers to Work in City Governments

Boston, Seattle, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C., will each receive a team of five open source Web programmers for 11 months, as chosen by Code for America,...

From ACM TechNews

DARPA-Funded Project to Spark Computer Science Education

DARPA recently awarded TopCoder a contract to develop a virtual community featuring competitions and educational resources in order to boost computer science education...

New Ways Bankers Are Spying on You
From ACM News

New Ways Bankers Are Spying on You

Big Banker is watching you—more closely than ever.

From ACM News

High-Tech Jobs Next Phase of Outsourcing?

In the latest phase of globalization, some economists say, Silicon Valley is in danger of losing a sizable piece of its knowledge-based industry to India in much...

Intel's Andy Grove on Manufacturing in America
From ACM News

Intel's Andy Grove on Manufacturing in America

Among the scores of fabless chip companies and product design houses in Silicon Valley, Intel is a standout. It's an American high-tech company that not only...

Ftc's First Chief Technologist: Drm Basher Ed Felten
From ACM News

Ftc's First Chief Technologist: Drm Basher Ed Felten

What do you get when you spend your academic career exposing broken DRM schemes, suing the recording industry when they try to silence you, showing the insecurity...

Money For Scientific Research May Be Scarce With a Republican-Led House
From ACM News

Money For Scientific Research May Be Scarce With a Republican-Led House

Federal financing of science research, which has risen quickly since the Obama administration came to power, could fall back to pre-Obama levels if the incoming...

From ACM News

Can Science Tell ­S Right From Wrong?

A distinguished panel will participate in "The Great Debate: Can Science Tell Us Right From Wrong?" this Saturday (Nov. 6) at Arizona State University.

From ACM TechNews

Um Researchers Are Studying Child-Mother Interactions to Design Robots With Social Skills

University of Miami developmental psychologists and computer scientists from the University of California, San Diego are studying the interaction between infants...

From ACM TechNews

Online Social Networks and Human Behavior

Online social networks have become important laboratories for social scientists. "The volume of online social networking is exploding, and it appears it is becoming...

Will Netflix Destroy the Internet?
From ACM News

Will Netflix Destroy the Internet?

American broadband capacity might not be able to keep up with everyone who wants to stream movies.

Obama's Chief Scientist Pushes National Broadband Plan
From ACM TechNews

Obama's Chief Scientist Pushes National Broadband Plan

John Holdren, the White House's top science and technology adviser, says the FCC's national broadband plan would lead to an improvement in the productivity of science...

Bogus Grass-Roots Politics on Twitter
From ACM News

Bogus Grass-Roots Politics on Twitter

Data-mining techniques reveal fake Twitter accounts that give the impression of a vast political movement.
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