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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Social Media Actually Strengthens Social Ties, Study Says
From ACM News

Social Media Actually Strengthens Social Ties, Study Says

A University of Texas at Austin study reveals gender differences amid the ubiquitous use of Facebook. College students and graduates are expanding their online...

'berlin' Is Revealed as Kryptos Clue
From ACM News

'berlin' Is Revealed as Kryptos Clue

"Berlin" is the highly anticipated clue from artist Jim Sanborn that’s meant to help crypto sleuths unlock the cipher to his enigmatic Kryptos sculpture. The...

How Wise Are Crowds?
From ACM News

How Wise Are Crowds?

By melding economics and engineering, researchers show that as social networks get larger, they usually get better at sorting fact from fiction.

Insurers Test Data Profiles to Identify Risky Clients
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Insurers Test Data Profiles to Identify Risky Clients

Life insurers are testing an intensely personal new use for the vast dossiers of data being amassed about Americans: predicting people's longevity.

Cell Phone Alerts to Warn Residents of Danger
From ACM News

Cell Phone Alerts to Warn Residents of Danger

Two U.S. Department of Homeland Security offices are working with wireless carriers to develop a national capability to send emergency alerts to mobile devices....

From ACM News

Worm Can Deal Double Blow to Nuclear Program

The German software engineer who in September was the first to report that a computer worm was apparently designed to sabotage targets in Iran said Friday that...

From ACM TechNews

­.S. Sees 'Huge' Cyber Threat in the Future

U.S. Defense secretary Robert Gates recently told members of The Wall Street Journal CEO Council that the threat from cybertechnologies will grow from "considerable"...

Where Cinema and Biology Meet
From ACM News

Where Cinema and Biology Meet

When Robert A. Lue considers the "Star Wars" Death Star, his first thought is not of outer space, but inner space.

From ACM TechNews

Improving Economy Means Opportunities in It

Information technology hiring could be about to surge in 2011, according to the recent Robert Half Technology Salary Guide 2011. Professionals who can help a company...

From ACM TechNews

Survey of Women, Men in IT Shows Differing Views

A recent Technisource survey of men and women in information technology found differences in opinion in areas such as compensation and career challenges. Fewer...

Chips in Football Helmets to Monitor For Concussions
From ACM TechNews

Chips in Football Helmets to Monitor For Concussions

Intel researchers are working with football helmet manufacturers and several universities to develop technology that can monitor brain damage in real time and build...

­.s. Accuses China Telecom of Internet Hijack
From ACM News

­.s. Accuses China Telecom of Internet Hijack

China Telecom diverted Internet traffic from the United States and other nations for about 18 minutes on April 8 by publishing incorrect routing information that...

From ACM News

­niversity Analysis Suggests Limiting Exposure to Carbon Nanotubes

UC Berkeley researcher Mark Philbrick says that carbon nanotubes pose potential adverse health effects to humans and should be treated as if they are hazardous....

From ACM News

Israeli High Tech Adjusts to Asian Challenge

The emergence of India and China is casting a shadow on the developed economies of Europe and North America, and is also posing a challenge to Israel. Key players...

From ACM News

It Is Finally Proven: Apple Users Are More Intelligent Than Pc Users

More than 2 millions PC users and Apple users took an Intelligence Test on the Intelligent Elite website. The results were quiet astonishing: Test takers using...

From ACM TechNews

Army Avatars Join the Battle For Hearts and Minds

Researchers at the University of Southern California are developing realistic, immersive virtual-reality programs for the U.S. military in which the soldiers are...

From ACM TechNews

R&d Gap Between Advanced, Emerging Economies Narrows: ­nesco

The science/technology gap between emerging and developed economies is closing due to increased R&D investment, according to UNESCO's 2010 Science Report. 

From ACM News

Hold the Phone: Prolonged Cell Phone Use Can Trigger Allergic Reaction

Allergists are seeing increasing numbers of patients allergic to their cell phones. The culprit is nickel, a common contact allergen, which affects up to 17 percent...

Cameras to Catch Terrorists Triple in New York With Bomb Plots
From ACM News

Cameras to Catch Terrorists Triple in New York With Bomb Plots

New York City is almost halfway to its goal of installing 3,000 cameras as part of a network to monitor signs of terrorism, about triple the number it had in...

The Ethical Robot
From ACM TechNews

The Ethical Robot

University of Connecticut professor Susan Anderson and University of Hartford computer scientist Michael Anderson have programmed a robot to behave ethically....
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