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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Turning Smartphones Into Air Quality Monitors
From ACM TechNews

Turning Smartphones Into Air Quality Monitors

Intel Labs has developed Common Sense, a portable device that collects and analyzes nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, and ozone information, and enables users to...

Berkeley Prof Helped Divvy Up Search to Many Servers
From ACM TechNews

Berkeley Prof Helped Divvy Up Search to Many Servers

ACM has named University of California, Berkeley computer science professor Eric Brewer the recipient of the 2009 ACM-Infosys Foundation Award for his contribution...

From ACM TechNews

IBM Will Research Mobile Access For the Elderly, Illiterate

Researchers at IBM Research India, India's National Institute of Design, and the University of Tokyo's Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology are investigating...

Nsf Seeks New Approach to Helping Minority Students in Science
From ACM TechNews

Nsf Seeks New Approach to Helping Minority Students in Science

U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) programs that assist specific racial and ethnic groups would be consolidated under a new proposal from the agency. 

Safety Issues Loom as Humanoid Invasion Approaches
From ACM TechNews

Safety Issues Loom as Humanoid Invasion Approaches

As robot technology advances, and their use puts them in closer contact with humans, safety has become a top priority for some researchers. 

Crdf Applauds Introduction of Science-Based Diplomacy Legislation
From ACM News

Crdf Applauds Introduction of Science-Based Diplomacy Legislation

The U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) applauds the  introduction of legislation to enhance and expand the role of science in American foreign...

From ACM News

Effort to Widen ­.S. Internet Access Sets ­p Battle

The Federal Communications Commission is proposing an ambitious 10-year plan that will reimagine the nation's media and technology priorities by establishing high...

Netflix Ditches Beat-Our-Recommendation-System Contest Due to Privacy Questions
From ACM News

Netflix Ditches Beat-Our-Recommendation-System Contest Due to Privacy Questions

Netflix's grassroots competition to best its recommendation algorithm was a big popularity booster for the company—but thanks to concerns over privacy (backed up...

From ACM TechNews

Race Matters

Black college instructors play a significant role in encouraging black science students to persist as science majors, according to a study by Cornell University...

From ACM News

Educating Elite Hackers

It started with Michael Coppola taking things apart at the age of five: the remote control, his mother's house lamps, the family's VCR. He was curious about how...

Emotional Computer Tutor Improves Girls' Math Scores
From ACM News

Emotional Computer Tutor Improves Girls' Math Scores

Students in Massachusetts will help fine-tune a computer-based, emotionally perceptive mathematics tutoring software developed by University of Massachusetts Amherst...

Japan Baby-Robot Teaches Parenting Skills
From ACM TechNews

Japan Baby-Robot Teaches Parenting Skills

Tsukuba University engineering students have developed Yotaro, a baby humanoid robot designed to teach young people about parenting. 

Assessing the State of ­.s. Science and Engineering
From ACM TechNews

Assessing the State of ­.s. Science and Engineering

Physicist Louis Lanzerotti, chairman of the National Science Board's Science and Engineering Indicators committee, says the board's recent report to the White House...

Nsf Selects Theoretical Computer Scientist For its Highest Honor
From ACM News

Nsf Selects Theoretical Computer Scientist For its Highest Honor

The National Science Foundation (NSF) announced Tuesday (March 9) the selection of New York University's Subhash Khot, an associate professor at the Courant Institute...

Wide Web of Diversions Gets Laptops Evicted from Lecture Halls
From ACM News

Wide Web of Diversions Gets Laptops Evicted from Lecture Halls

On a windy morning in downtown Washington, a hundred Georgetown Law students gathered in a hall for David Cole's lecture on democracy and coercion. The desks were...

From ACM News


In a meeting at Google in 2004, the discussion turned to an e-mail message the company had received from a fan in South Korea. Sergey Brin, a Google founder, ran...

Cyber Crooks Leave Traditional Bank Robbers in the Dust
From ACM News

Cyber Crooks Leave Traditional Bank Robbers in the Dust

Organized cyber criminals stole more than $25 million from small to mid-sized businesses in brazen e-banking heists in the third quarter of 2009 alone, federal...

Annual Science Festival to Host 'excite Your Mind' Events
From ACM News

Annual Science Festival to Host 'excite Your Mind' Events

The San Diego Science Festival , the largest celebration of science on the West Coast, will be held March 20-27 to raise awareness of the importance of science,...

ACM Turing Award Goes to Creator of First Modern Personal Computer
From ACM News

ACM Turing Award Goes to Creator of First Modern Personal Computer

ACM has named Charles P. Thacker the winner of the 2009 ACM A.M. Turing Award for his pioneering design and realization of the Alto, the first modern personal computer...

IT Spending Will Rise - But Not Rebound - in 2010
From ACM News

IT Spending Will Rise - But Not Rebound - in 2010

Global IT expenditure is expected to rise slightly this year for the first time since the onset of the global economic downturn, according to industry analyst Ovum...
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