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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Deepfakes Are a Threat to National Security, Say Lawmakers
From ACM News

Deepfakes Are a Threat to National Security, Say Lawmakers

Deepfakes are a deep concern for Congress.

How Faking Videos Became Easy and Why That's So Scary
From ACM News

How Faking Videos Became Easy and Why That's So Scary

A minute-long video of Barack Obama has been seen more than 4.8 million times since April. It shows the former U.S. president seated, with the American flag in...

How Game Apps That Captivate Kids Have Been Collecting Their Data
From ACM News

How Game Apps That Captivate Kids Have Been Collecting Their Data

Before Kim Slingerland downloaded the Fun Kid Racing app for her then-5-year-old son, Shane, she checked to make sure it was in the family section of the Google...

Here's What We Know about Google's Mysterious Search Engine
From ACM News

Here's What We Know about Google's Mysterious Search Engine

President Trump thinks Google's search engine is "rigged." By featuring more mainstream news outlets and relatively fewer conservative sites in the results he sees...

Researchers Find Way to Spy on Remote Screens, through the Webcam Mic
From ACM News

Researchers Find Way to Spy on Remote Screens, through the Webcam Mic

Ever wonder what the people on the other end of a Hangouts session are really looking at on their screens?

How Trump Could Hurt Google
From ACM News

How Trump Could Hurt Google

President Donald Trump's Tuesday morning attack on Google for delivering "rigged" search results met with a swift denial from the company, but Trump's threat to...

Trump Says He Will 'Address' Google's 'Suppressing' of Conservative News
From ACM Opinion

Trump Says He Will 'Address' Google's 'Suppressing' of Conservative News

On Tuesday morning, the 45th president of the United States woke up around 5:30am Eastern Time and decided to begin his Tuesday by berating the "Fake News Media...

Robotic Implants
From Communications of the ACM

Robotic Implants

Scientists are developing tiny medical machines that stretch the definition of the term "robot."

'Weaponized Ad Technology': Facebook's Moneymaker Gets a Critical Eye
From ACM News

'Weaponized Ad Technology': Facebook's Moneymaker Gets a Critical Eye

Facebook has made a mint by enabling advertisers to identify and reach the very people most likely to react to their messages.

Banks and Retailers Are Tracking How You Type, Swipe and Tap
From ACM News

Banks and Retailers Are Tracking How You Type, Swipe and Tap

When you're browsing a website and the mouse cursor disappears, it might be a computer glitch—or it might be a deliberate test to find out who you are.

The Flourishing Business of Fake YouTube Views
From ACM News

The Flourishing Business of Fake YouTube Views

Martin Vassilev makes a good living selling fake views on YouTube videos. Working from home in Ottawa, he has sold about 15 million views so far this year, putting...

Robots Are Getting More Social. Are Humans Ready?
From ACM News

Robots Are Getting More Social. Are Humans Ready?

Personal home robots that can socialize with people are starting to roll out of the laboratory and into our living rooms and kitchens. But are humans ready to invite...

A Generation Grows ­p in China Without Google, Facebook or Twitter
From ACM News

A Generation Grows ­p in China Without Google, Facebook or Twitter

Wei Dilong, 18, who lives in the southern Chinese city of Liuzhou, likes basketball, hip-hop music and Hollywood superhero movies. He plans to study chemistry in...

Pentagon Restricts ­se of Fitness Trackers, Other Devices
From ACM News

Pentagon Restricts ­se of Fitness Trackers, Other Devices

Military troops and other defense personnel at sensitive bases or certain high-risk warzone areas won't be allowed to use fitness tracker or cellphone applications...

Google, Seeking a Return to China, Is Said to Be Building a Censored Search Engine
From ACM News

Google, Seeking a Return to China, Is Said to Be Building a Censored Search Engine

Google withdrew from China eight years ago to protest the country's censorship and online hacking.

Facebook Identifies an Active Political Influence Campaign ­sing Fake Accounts
From ACM News

Facebook Identifies an Active Political Influence Campaign ­sing Fake Accounts

Facebook said on Tuesday that it had identified a political influence campaign that was potentially built to disrupt the midterm elections, with the company ...

Big Tech is Throwing Money and Talent at Home Robots
From ACM Careers

Big Tech is Throwing Money and Talent at Home Robots

Science fiction writers and technologists have been predicting the arrival of robot butlers for the better part of a century. So far domestic robots have been relatively...

"I Was Devastated": Tim Berners-Lee, the Man Who Created the World Wide Web, Has Some Regrets
From ACM Opinion

"I Was Devastated": Tim Berners-Lee, the Man Who Created the World Wide Web, Has Some Regrets

"For people who want to make sure the Web serves humanity, we have to concern ourselves with what people are building on top of it," Tim Berners-Lee told me one...

Private Messaging Apps Increasingly ­sed for Public Business
From ACM News

Private Messaging Apps Increasingly ­sed for Public Business

One app promotes itself as a way to discuss sensitive negotiations and human resources problems without leaving a digital record.

Animals Teach Robots to Find Their Way
From Communications of the ACM

Animals Teach Robots to Find Their Way

Navigation research demonstrates bio-machine symbiosis.
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