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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

White House Pushes Science and Math Education
From ACM TechNews

White House Pushes Science and Math Education

U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday (November 23) announced Educate to Innovate, a campaign to enlist companies and nonprofit groups to donate time and money...

From ACM TechNews

Tim Berners-Lee Launches 'www Foundation' at Igf 2009

Sir Tim Berners-Lee used the recent Internet Governance Forum to announce the launch of the World Wide Web Foundation, which he says will be an incubator for transformative...

Shared Supercomputing and Everyday Research
From ACM TechNews

Shared Supercomputing and Everyday Research

Recent advancements in supercomputer design coupled with falling prices are breaking down the barriers that have traditionally surrounded computing-intensive research...

From ACM TechNews

Equal Opportunities Through Technology Education

Academy of FinlandThe international Understanding and Providing a Developmental Approach to Technology Education (UPDATE) project is studying more effective methods...

German Research Computer Qpace Is the Most Energy Efficient in the World
From ACM TechNews

German Research Computer Qpace Is the Most Energy Efficient in the World

At the recent SC09 supercomputing conference, the QCD Parallel Computing on the Cell (QPACE) was recognized as the world's most energy-efficient supercomputer....

Self-Policing Cloud Computing
From ACM TechNews

Self-Policing Cloud Computing

Researchers at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center and IBM Research-Zurich have developed a cloud computing security system that makes elements of the cloud act...

From ACM TechNews

Southampton's World-Class Supercomputer Opens Windows

The University of Southampton's new supercomputer was ranked 74th on the Top500 supercomputer list and is the fastest university-owned supercomputer in England....

Building the Smart Home Wirelessly
From ACM TechNews

Building the Smart Home Wirelessly

Researchers at Taiwan's National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) say that radio tags, combined with mobile communication devices, could provide seamless smart home...

Are Nations Paying Criminals for Botnet Attacks?
From ACM TechNews

Are Nations Paying Criminals for Botnet Attacks?

Countries that want to disrupt other nations' government, banking, and media resources can simply hire cybercriminals to launch botnet attacks, according to new...

From ACM TechNews

Tai Xue-Cheng Wins Feng Kang Prize in Scientific Computing

Tai Xue-Cheng, a specialist in numerical analysis and computational mathematics at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), has been named the winner of the 8th...

From ACM News

Tech Innovation Program Seeks Comments on Potential Future Funding Areas

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is asking for public comment on four white papers that outline potential areas for research funding grants...

Global Study Reveals Role of It in Strategic Efforts to Combat Recession
From ACM News

Global Study Reveals Role of It in Strategic Efforts to Combat Recession

A study released Friday (Nov. 20) by RONIN has found that companies across the globe taking a strategic approach to emerging from the recession are investing more...

From ACM News

Technology Sector Transforms Into a Giant R&d Machine

When the world thinks of the Indian technology sector, it imagines a nation of call center workers and low level computer programmers administering databases and...

Securing Military Wireless Networks
From ACM TechNews

Securing Military Wireless Networks

The U.S. Army Research Laboratory has awarded a 10-year, $35.5 million grant to establish a new research center to develop secure, mobile wireless networks for...

Bcs Honors Ground-Breaking Scientists
From ACM News

Bcs Honors Ground-Breaking Scientists

Professor Yorick Wilks, a pioneering AI scientist who is helping develop virtual agents to keep older people company, and Dr Byron Cook, an academic who has broken...

Certification and Accreditation Process For Federal Systems Transformed
From ACM News

Certification and Accreditation Process For Federal Systems Transformed

A revised draft publication on computer security guidance issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is focused on transforming the episodic...

From ACM News

Ornl, Partners Helping Scientists Deal with Data Deluge

Vast amounts of information that could hold the key to breakthroughs in environmental research will be made readily available through DataOne, a global data access...

From ACM News

Researchers Develop Anti-Counterfeiting Technology For Rfid Tags

Engineering researchers at the University of Arkansas have developed a unique and robust method to prevent cloning of passive radio frequency identification (RFID)...

Facebook Offers Poor Personal Data Protection
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Offers Poor Personal Data Protection

A study of Norwegian Internet users and social media found that people are willing to post their personal information on social media sites even when they are not...

Hackers Create Tools For Disaster Relief
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Create Tools For Disaster Relief

The first-ever Random Hacks of Kindness recently took place in Mountain View, Calif., bringing software developers together to focus on how technology could be...
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