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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Tinkering Makes Comeback Amid Crisis
From ACM TechNews

Tinkering Makes Comeback Amid Crisis

The economic crisis and the reduced costs of high-tech tools and materials are fueling a resurgence in tinkering and experimentation. U.S. engineering schools...

From ACM News

Face-Recognition Technology May Be ­sed at Hong Kong Border Checks

Face-recognition technology might be used to screen the residents at Hong Kong border checkpoints, Hong Kong's Security Secretary Ambrose Lee said Thursday (Nov...

3-D Software Gives Doctors, Students a View Inside the Body
From ACM News

3-D Software Gives Doctors, Students a View Inside the Body

James Oliver picked up an Xbox game controller, looked up to a video screen and used the device's buttons and joystick to fly through a patient's chest cavity for...

Software Looks to Solve Life-Threatening Medical Puzzles
From ICT Results

Software Looks to Solve Life-Threatening Medical Puzzles

New software is under development that doctors hope will help them identify brain tumours in children that will grow aggressively. A new software tool can integrate...

From ACM TechNews

Theme-Park Dummy Trick Becomes Teleconference Tool

A trick used in theme-park animatronics could help people act more naturally during videoconferences. Shader lamps is a technique that projects an animated face...

Digital Cloud Plan For City Skies
From ACM News

Digital Cloud Plan For City Skies

A giant "digital cloud" that would "float" above London's skyline has been outlined by an international team of architects, artists and engineers. The construction...

From ACM News

Wi-Fi Certification Might Be Tweaked For Smart Grids

The Wi-Fi Alliance has formed a task group to determine what standards need to be modified to ensure Wi-Fi is the tool of choice for smart-grid applications. The...

What Happens When Good Robots Go 'bad'?
From ACM TechNews

What Happens When Good Robots Go 'bad'?

A study by University of Washington researchers led by doctoral student Tamara Denning calls attention to the possibility of household robots being hacked by malevolent...

Nasa Showcases 'green' Missions at Sc09 Conference
From ACM TechNews

Nasa Showcases 'green' Missions at Sc09 Conference

Milestones by five NASA research centers in the fields of science, engineering, and technology will be showcased at the ACM-sponsored SC09 supercomputing conference...

Metagenomics and the Computing Challenges of Microbial Communities
From ACM TechNews

Metagenomics and the Computing Challenges of Microbial Communities

New technologies are enabling researchers to sequence samples of microorganisms taken from their environment, but the relatively new field of metagenomics still...

From ACM News

Terrorism in the Age of Technology: Biothreats And?cyber Warfare

While once considered unconventional, cyber attacks and biological warfare have become an increasing threat to security and a tactic of rising concern. Spanning...

From ACM News

Now We Know Where We Stand, and It's About Time

America has seen its last Lost Generation. Thanks to an invisible armada of incessantly broadcasting satellites, collectively called the Global Positioning System...

Rutgers Computer Scientists Work to Strengthen Online Security
From ACM TechNews

Rutgers Computer Scientists Work to Strengthen Online Security

Rutgers University computer scientists are developing an alternative to online security questions that is designed to be easier for legitimate users and more secure...

China Plans For Humanoid Olympics
From ACM TechNews

China Plans For Humanoid Olympics

China has announced plans to hold a robot Olympics in 2010, in which humanoid robots will compete in 16 different events ranging from athletics to machine-related...

ACM Names 84 Distinguished Members for Advances in Computing Technology
From ACM TechNews

ACM Names 84 Distinguished Members for Advances in Computing Technology

ACM has recognized 84 members as 2009 Distinguished Members. The number of honorees has more than doubled from a year ago, and ACM says the increase is a reflection...

Labor Shortage in It Industry Despite Recession
From ACM TechNews

Labor Shortage in It Industry Despite Recession

A new survey by New Zealand's Ministry of Economic Development found a significant shortage of skilled labor in the information technology (IT) industry, despite...

From ACM TechNews

Validity of Software Patents Goes on Trial at ­.s. Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court will consider what types of inventions should be eligible for a patent as part of a case that could undermine legal protections for software...

Green500 Expands Coverage of Energy-Efficient Supercomputers
From ACM News

Green500 Expands Coverage of Energy-Efficient Supercomputers

Virginia Tech's Green500 list is getting a refresh. Since its 2007 debut, the Green500 has ranked only the energy efficiency of the world's 500 fastest performing...

Adding a Sixth Sense to Your Cellphone
From ACM News

Adding a Sixth Sense to Your Cellphone

Many Indians bought their first mobile phones before they had their first experiences with personal computers. Pranav Mistry thinks that most of them might also...

Futurists' Report Acknowledges Dangers of Smart Robots
From ACM TechNews

Futurists' Report Acknowledges Dangers of Smart Robots

A forthcoming report from the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) will explore whether robots could eventually become so intelligent...
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