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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing Seeks Energy Savings

New energy-saving technology from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has established a standard for resource-responsible high-performance computing (HPC) research...

ACM Turing Award Goes to Creator of Influential Innovations in Computer Software Design
From ACM News

ACM Turing Award Goes to Creator of Influential Innovations in Computer Software Design

ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, has named Barbara Liskov of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) the winner of the 2008 ACM A.M. Turing...

Digital Revolutionaries Discuss Past, Future of Technology
From ACM TechNews

Digital Revolutionaries Discuss Past, Future of Technology

Microsoft technical fellow Butler Lampson, Google chief Internet evangelist Vinton Cerf, and Qualcomm chairman Irwin Jacobs discussed the past, present, and potential...

Geeks May Be Chic, But Negative Nerd Stereotype Still Exists, Professor Says
From ACM TechNews

Geeks May Be Chic, But Negative Nerd Stereotype Still Exists, Professor Says

Despite technology's growing impact on society, academic geeks, or nerds, still suffer from negative stereotypes in popular culture, which may explain why women...

From ACM TechNews

Fight Over Internet Filtering Has a Test Run in Europe

Europe's influence over technology regulation has led U.S. companies to send lobbyists to try and influence European lawmakers as they debate Internet access policy...

From ACM News

Ireland Announces Major Investment in R&d Centers

The Irish government has decided funding of 45.7 million euros for three 'Center for Science, Engineering and technology.' These research centers are hosted by...

From ACM News

They're Taking Their Brains and Going Home

The United States has always been the country to which the world's best and brightest have flocked in pursuit of education and to seek their fortunes. But burgeoning...

Half of Americans See Another Country Emerging as World's Technological Leader
From ACM TechNews

Half of Americans See Another Country Emerging as World's Technological Leader

Half of all U.S. residents expect that another country will become the world leader in addressing technological challenges this century, reveals a new Duke University...

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Strive to Improve Online Education

ASU NewsArizona State University's (ASU's) New American University project aims to enroll 100,000 students in online courses by 2012, which will require finding...

From ICT Results

Serious Games for Serious Health Problems

Gamers caught a very early glimpse of the future of serious games aimed at the health sector during the PlayMancer project’s demos at the latest Vienna Science...

From ACM TechNews

New 'Smart' Homes For Dementia Sufferers

University of BathA sensing system that assists people who suffer from dementia will be among the smart home technologies on display at the Engineering and Physical...

From ACM TechNews

More Science, Less Drama: IT Pros Defend Engineering Careers

Network WorldMany information technology (IT) professionals believe that parents could be doing their children a disservice by not encouraging them to pursue advanced...

From ACM TechNews

Software-Intensive Systems Set to Dominate the Computer Market

Universidad Politecnica de MadridSoftware-intensive systems have become the cornerstone of Europe's most competitive industries and will soon dominate the computer...

From ACM TechNews

Tech Companies Pledge to Deal With Shortage of Women Workers

IDG News ServiceMicrosoft has joined Alcatel-Lucent, IMEC, Orange-France, and Motorola in signing the Code of Best Practices for Women and ICT, which seeks to attract...

Students Help to Bring the Internet to Rural Africa
From ACM News

Students Help to Bring the Internet to Rural Africa

Residents of rural Kenya now have e-mail accounts and Internet access thanks in part to the work of University of Michigan engineering students who enabled satellite...

From ACM TechNews

Can Virtual Teachers Plug the Educational Divide?

Newcastle UniversityNewcastle University professor of educational technology Sugata Mitra believes that introducing more technology to the classroom is the keyView...

What Will It Take to Increase Hispanics in Stem? Money, Of Course
From ACM TechNews

What Will It Take to Increase Hispanics in Stem? Money, Of Course

Diverse OnlineThe National Science Foundation (NSF) recently asked Hispanic-serving institutions at the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities' Capitol...

From ACM TechNews

Lack of Ability Does Not Explain Women's Opting Out of Math-Intensive Science Careers

American Psychological AssociationReasons for women's underrepresentation in math-heavy science careers other than a lack of mathematical ability were uncovered...

From ACM News

Despite Layoffs, Microsoft Holding Firm on H-1bs

Citing their "crucial contributions to Microsoft's innovation successes," Microsoft said it will not significantly change its employment practices regarding immigrant...

From ACM CareerNews

Tech Companies Pledge to Deal With Shortage of Women Workers

By 2010, there will be an estimated shortfall of 300,000 qualified engineers working in Europe's IT sector. At the same time, fewer than one in five computer scientists...
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