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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM Careers

'cyberspace Requires a World-Class Cyber Warrior'

With growing worries about the threat of "cyber warfare," militaries around the world are racing to recruit the computer specialists they believe may be central...

From ACM News

Stuxnet Weapon Has at Least 4 Cousins: Researchers

The Stuxnet virus that damaged Iran's nuclear program was likely one of at least five cyber weapons developed on a single platform whose roots trace back to 2007...

From ACM News

Did Conficker Help Sabotage Iran Nuke Program?

A cyber warfare expert claims he has linked the Stuxnet computer virus that attacked Iran's nuclear program in 2010 to Conficker, a mysterious "worm" that surfaced...

From ACM News

Idaho Laboratory Analyzed Stuxnet Computer Virus

Behind the doors of a nondescript red brick and gray building of the Idaho National Laboratory is the malware laboratory where government cyber experts analyzed...

From ACM News

Drone Makers Seek Out New Targets

Almost a century after the first pilot-less plane was test launched from the back of a truck in the English village of Upavon, unmanned aircraft vehicles, or...

From ACM News

Blatter Signals Arrival of Goalline Technology

England's Premier League and any others who want to introduce goalline technology got the go-ahead to do so from FIFA president Sepp Blatter on Wednesday, as...

From ACM News

Government in Cyber Fight but Can't Keep Up

The Pentagon is about to roll out an expanded effort to safeguard its contractors from hackers and is building a virtual firing range in cyberspace to test new...

Scientists Find Way to Map Brain's Complexity
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Find Way to Map Brain's Complexity

University College London researchers are developing a computer model of the brain by mapping the connections and functions of nerve cells. The study is part of...
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