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subjectPersonal Computing

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

No Easy Fixes as Internet Runs Out of Addresses
From ACM News

No Easy Fixes as Internet Runs Out of Addresses

Like a prairie with no more vacant land to homestead or a hip area code with no more cellphone numbers, the pool of available numeric internet addresses has been...

Where High Speed Internet Meets Smart Grid
From ACM News

Where High Speed Internet Meets Smart Grid

Advanced internet technologies, energy management and the smart grid are coming together in an unlikely location: a mid-sized city in the South.

From ACM News

Nsa's Home Base May Have Crappiest Web Site Ever

Through the gates of Fort George Meade pass the most powerful technical minds that the government employs. But Fort Meade's website contains pixelized, faux-shaded...

Pentagon Wants to Give Troops Terminator Vision
From ACM News

Pentagon Wants to Give Troops Terminator Vision

No more will soldiers' vision be limited to the socket-embedded spheres that God intended. The Pentagon now wants troops to see dangers lurking behind them in...

From ACM News

Word Lens: Augmented Reality App Translates Street Signs Instantly

Word Lens for the iPhone is one of the most amazing apps we have ever seen. Take a look at this video, but put down any hot liquids first.

Intel Touts
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Intel Touts

Intel has joined the parade of companies trying to beam video to your TV. The chipmaker is betting on “WiDi,” its technology for streaming media wirelessly from...

Apple Answers Questions About App Rejections, Raises Others
From ACM News

Apple Answers Questions About App Rejections, Raises Others

Apple on Thursday published a set of rules about the types of content that aren't allowed in the iOS App Store, answering questions that have been bugging software...

Insiders Doubt 2008 Pentagon Hack Was Foreign Spy Attack
From ACM News

Insiders Doubt 2008 Pentagon Hack Was Foreign Spy Attack

In the fall of 2008, a variant of a three year-old, relatively benign worm began winding its way through the U.S. military's networks, spread by troops usingfirst...

Android Phones Can Substitute For Supercomputers
From ACM TechNews

Android Phones Can Substitute For Supercomputers

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Texas Advanced Computing Center have developed an Android application that can take simulations...

Interface Expert Knocks Ipad Apps For Inconsistent Usability
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Interface Expert Knocks Ipad Apps For Inconsistent Usability

The iPad has been hailed as an interface triumph. But one usability expert has published an exhaustive critique of the iPad, taking it to task for the inconsistency...

From ACM News

Undercover Feds on Social Networking Sites Raise Questions

The next time someone tries to "friend" you on Facebook, it may turn out to be an undercover fed looking to examine your private messages and photos, or surveil...

DARPA Looks to Build Real-Life C3p0
From ACM News

DARPA Looks to Build Real-Life C3p0

Right now, troops trying to listen in on enemy chatter rely on a convoluted process. They tune into insurgency radio frequencies, then hand the radio over to local...

From ACM News


Google engineers are working on a translator for Google Android smartphones to convert one language into another quickly enough to allow speakers without a common...

Game Changers: How Videogames Trained a Generation of Athletes
From ACM News

Game Changers: How Videogames Trained a Generation of Athletes

The situation was desperate for the Denver Broncos. On the first Sunday of the National Football League’s 2009 season, with only 28 seconds left in the game, they...

From ACM News

Pentagon Searches For

One of the trickiest problems in cyber security is trying to figure who’s really behind an attack. Darpa, the Pentagon agency that created the Internet, is trying...

From ACM News

Rogue Marketers Can Mine Your Info on Facebook

Got an e-mail list of customers or readers and want to know more about each — such as their full name, friends, gender, age, interests, location, job and education...

From ACM TechNews

How the Netflix Prize Was Won

The secret to the success of BellKor's Pragmatic Chaos and The Ensemble, first- and second-place winners of the Netflix Prize, was teamwork. The Netflix Prize...

The Next Hacking Frontier: Your Brain?
From ACM TechNews

The Next Hacking Frontier: Your Brain?

Some scientists are concerned that as brain-computer interfaces become widely used and incorporate wireless technologies, "brain hacking" could become a reality...

Winning Teams Join to Qualify For $1 Million Netflix Prize
From ACM News

Winning Teams Join to Qualify For $1 Million Netflix Prize

The Netflix Prize, a computing challenge that's been compared to scaling Mount Everest and flummoxed programmers for more than three years, has been summited. Two...

From ACM TechNews

Scratch Lowers Resistance to Programming

Scratch, created by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab, is a programming environment for creating interactive...
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