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subjectComputers And Society

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Feds Push For Tracking Cell Phones

Two years ago, when the FBI was stymied by a band of armed robbers known as the "Scarecrow Bandits" that had robbed more than 20 Texas banks, it came up with aconvicted...

Hacker 'mudge' Gets DARPA Job
From ACM News

Hacker 'mudge' Gets DARPA Job

Peiter Zatko--a respected hacker known as "Mudge"--has been tapped to be a program manager at DARPA, where he will be in charge of funding research designed toDARPA...

Cisco Predicts Wireless Data Explosion
From ACM News

Cisco Predicts Wireless Data Explosion

If wireless operators thought they'd faced a deluge of data traffic from the iPhone, they haven't seen anything yet, according to a survey from network equipment...

From ACM News

Police Want Backdoor to Web Users' Private Data

count likely knows that police can peek inside it if they have a paper search warrant. But cybercrime investigators are frustrated by the speed of traditionalone...

Smart Grid Potential Gated By Broadband
From ACM TechNews

Smart Grid Potential Gated By Broadband

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission recently held a field hearing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to discuss the role of the communications...

Hackers Create Tools For Disaster Relief
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Create Tools For Disaster Relief

The first-ever Random Hacks of Kindness recently took place in Mountain View, Calif., bringing software developers together to focus on how technology could be...

From ACM News

Wi-Fi Certification Might Be Tweaked For Smart Grids

The Wi-Fi Alliance has formed a task group to determine what standards need to be modified to ensure Wi-Fi is the tool of choice for smart-grid applications. The...

Microsoft's Mundie: It Needed to Solve Global Woes
From ACM News

Microsoft's Mundie: It Needed to Solve Global Woes

Microsoft's Chief Research and Strategy Officer Craig Mundie gave a speech at Harvard University on Tuesday (Nov. 3) to discuss coming "disruptions" in computing...

From ACM News

'state of the Internet' Assessed

Internet attacks came from 201 different countries in the second quarter of 2009, up from 68 countries in the first quarter, according to a report released Thursday...

White House ­nveils Cloud Computing Initiative
From ACM TechNews

White House ­nveils Cloud Computing Initiative

The Obama administration has introduced a cloud computing policy that aims to lower infrastructure costs and reduce the environmental impact of government computing...

IBM Tops Green500 Supercomputer List
From ACM News

IBM Tops Green500 Supercomputer List

Big Blue's supercomputers are among the greenest in the world. The June Green500 list, published by, showed that 18 of the top 20 greenest supercomputers...

From ACM News

Americans See Science as Lagging Here

Both the American public and researchers have a high regard for scientific advancement. But they disagree over the standing of science in the U.S. A full 84 percent...

Intel Toots Its Research Horn For Chips  and More
From ACM TechNews

Intel Toots Its Research Horn For Chips and More

Intel's recent Research Day provided demonstrations and previews of the variety of projects that extend beyond the company's core computer processor business....

From ACM TechNews

FCC Develops Strategy For Rural Broadband

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has released a broadband strategy for the rural United States that cautions against relying on a single technology...

Q&A: The Robot Wars Have Arrived
From ACM TechNews

Q&A: The Robot Wars Have Arrived

Brookings Institution fellow P.W. Singer says in an interview that the military's funding of robotics will have ramifications in areas that people are as yet unaware...

From ACM News

Despite Layoffs, Microsoft Holding Firm on H-1bs

Citing their "crucial contributions to Microsoft's innovation successes," Microsoft said it will not significantly change its employment practices regarding immigrant...

From ACM TechNews

Stimulus Bill Includes $7.2 Billion For Broadband

The $787 billion economic stimulus package U.S. President Obama recently signed into law includes $7.2 billion for broadband grant and loan programs. Under the...

From ACM TechNews

Dhs Creates Privacy Principles For Scientific Research

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has developed privacy principles for science and technology-related research and development projects that involve...

From ACM TechNews

Nasa Turns to Open-Source Problem-Tracking Databases

The recent launch of the Space Shuttle Endeavour will involve the first live test of new software that was designed to streamline the process of problem reporting...
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