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authorThe Wall Street Journal

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Atlas Gives Scientists New View of the Brain
From ACM News

Atlas Gives Scientists New View of the Brain

Scientists funded by Microsoft Corp. co-founder Paul Allen unveiled a $55 million computerized atlas of the human brain Tuesday, offering the first interactive...

Facebook Shares Server Design
From ACM News

Facebook Shares Server Design

Facebook Inc. said it would share details for its new server systems and computer rooms with other companies, hoping to set off what it characterized as an open...

Tv's Next Wave: Tuning In to You
From ACM News

Tv's Next Wave: Tuning In to You

The television is channeling you. Data-gathering firms and technology companies are aggressively matching people's TV-viewing behavior with other personal data—in...

From ACM News

Aiming to Power Ever More Complex Graphics, Nvidia Plans Quad-Core Mobile Chip This Year

Chipmaker Nvidia plans this year to introduce a four-core processor, code-named Project Kal-El, that should offer roughly five times the processing power of its...

From ACM News

Google Goes to the Cloud For New Idea in Pc System

In the personal-computer industry, where things change fast, one fact has been a constant for years: There are two major, mainstream operating systems for consumers...

Microsoft's Top Visionary To Leave as Ranks Shift
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Microsoft's Top Visionary To Leave as Ranks Shift

Ray Ozzie, the executive who became Microsoft Corp.'s top technical visionary after the retirement of cofounder Bill Gates, plans to leave the software company...

From ACM News

Apple Blinks in Apps Fight

In an uncharacteristic about-face, Apple Inc. loosened its control over software development for its iPhones and iPads as the company feels heat from a U.S. antitrust...

Spending Soars on Internet's Plumbing
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Spending Soars on Internet's Plumbing

Behind the recovery in business spending is a surge in purchases of the computers that form the backbone of the Internet, as companies scramble to meet growing...

­sing Science Against Suicide Bombs
From ACM TechNews

­sing Science Against Suicide Bombs

Software that models the effects of suicide bombings has been developed by computer scientist Zeeshan-ul-Hassan Usmani, whose expertise could help inform the construction...

They Walk. They Work. New Dna Robots Strut Their Tiny Stuff.
From ACM News

They Walk. They Work. New Dna Robots Strut Their Tiny Stuff.

For the first time, microscopic robots made from DNA molecules can walk, follow instructions and work together to assemble simple products on an atomic-scale assembly...

What ­tilities Have Learned From Smart-Meter Tests...
From ACM News

What ­tilities Have Learned From Smart-Meter Tests...

Utilities have learned a lot about how smart meters can compel consumers to save electricity. Unfortunately, too often they aren't putting the knowledge to good...

Insurgents Hack ­.s. Drones
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Insurgents Hack ­.s. Drones

Militants in Iraq have used $26 off-the-shelf software to intercept live video feeds from U.S. Predator drones, potentially providing them with information they...

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Squeezing Web Sites Onto Cellphones

When a group of engineers at National Instruments Corp. modified a 1988 Oldsmobile so it could be controlled by an iPhone, the company was quick to share the project...

Tinkering Makes Comeback Amid Crisis
From ACM TechNews

Tinkering Makes Comeback Amid Crisis

The economic crisis and the reduced costs of high-tech tools and materials are fueling a resurgence in tinkering and experimentation. U.S. engineering schools...

From ACM TechNews

Group of Microsoft Rivals Nears Patent Deal in Bid to Protect Linux

The Open Invention Network (OIN), which includes major corporate supporters of open source software, is close to an agreement to purchase 22 patents involving Linux...

From ACM TechNews

In Search For Intelligence, a Silicon Brain Twitches

Blue Brain is a supercomputer-powered software model designed to closely simulate the activity of a rat's neocortical column (NCC) in the hope of gaining insights...

From ACM TechNews

Faa's Air-Traffic Networks Breached By Hackers

The U.S. Transportation Department's inspector general released a report on May 6 that said the U.S.'s civilian air-traffic computer networks had been breached...

From ACM TechNews

In Major Shift, Apple Builds Its Own Chip Design Team

In a major strategy shift, Apple reportedly has begun boosting its capability to design its own computer chips in an effort to create exclusive features for its...
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