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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

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Software systems could one day analyze everything from blurry war-zone footage to the subtle sarcasm in a written paragraph, thanks to two unassuming scientists...

From ACM News

DARPA Wants Code to Spot

Can software spot a cyberspy’s tricky intentions, before he’s started to help the other side? The way-out researchers at Darpa think so.

From ACM News

Army Spy Plane May Have Snooped on Bomber: Report

Investigators were able to track wannabe terrorist Faisal Shahzad through his anonymous, pre-paid cell phone--exactly how, they won’t say. But there was a tantalizing...

The Legal Case For Robot War Gets Complicated
From ACM News

The Legal Case For Robot War Gets Complicated

The legal debate over America's undeclared drone war in Pakistan is getting sharper: In a congressional hearing yesterday, a prominent law professor suggested that...

Why Intel Wants to Get Into Energy
From ACM News

Why Intel Wants to Get Into Energy

Intel showed off an experimental device last week in China that could someday substantially cut the costs of wiring homes and offices for energy efficiency, one...

Networked Networks Are Prone to Epic Failure
From ACM News

Networked Networks Are Prone to Epic Failure

Networks that are resilient on their own become fragile and prone to catastrophic failure when connected, suggests a new study with troubling implications for tightly...

Security Pros Question Deployment of Smart Meters
From ACM News

Security Pros Question Deployment of Smart Meters

The country’s swift deployment of smart-grid technology has security professionals concerned that utilities and smart-meter vendors are repeating the mistakes made...

White House Cyber Czar: 'there Is No Cyberwar'
From ACM News

White House Cyber Czar: 'there Is No Cyberwar'

Howard Schmidt, the new cybersecurity czar for the Obama Administration, has a short answer for the drumbeat of rhetoric claiming the United States is caught up...

Darpa's New Plans: Crowdsource Intel, Edit Dna
From ACM TechNews

Darpa's New Plans: Crowdsource Intel, Edit Dna

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA's) future plans call for crowdsourcing military intelligence, creating an immune system for Defense...

From ACM News

Pentagon Searches For

One of the trickiest problems in cyber security is trying to figure who’s really behind an attack. Darpa, the Pentagon agency that created the Internet, is trying...

From ACM News

Darpa: U.s. Geek Shortage Is National Security Risk

Sure, we’re all plugged in and online 24/7. But fewer American kids are growing up to be bona fide computer geeks. And that poses a serious security risk for the...

From ACM News

Secret Math of Fly Eyes Could Overhaul Robot Vision

By turning the brain cell activity underlying fly eyesight into mathematical equations, researchers have found an ultra-efficient method for pulling motion patterns...

Scan of Internet ­ncovers Thousands of Vulnerable Embedded Devices
From ACM TechNews

Scan of Internet ­ncovers Thousands of Vulnerable Embedded Devices

A scan of the Internet by Columbia University researchers searching for vulnerable embedded devices has found that nearly 21,000 routers, Webcams, and VoIP products...

From ACM TechNews

How the Netflix Prize Was Won

The secret to the success of BellKor's Pragmatic Chaos and The Ensemble, first- and second-place winners of the Netflix Prize, was teamwork. The Netflix Prize...

The Next Hacking Frontier: Your Brain?
From ACM TechNews

The Next Hacking Frontier: Your Brain?

Some scientists are concerned that as brain-computer interfaces become widely used and incorporate wireless technologies, "brain hacking" could become a reality...

Is the Hacking Threat to National Security Overblown?
From ACM TechNews

Is the Hacking Threat to National Security Overblown?

U.S. President Obama recently made cybersecurity a national priority, but at the ACM's Computers, Freedom, and Privacy Conference, Threat Level editor Kevin Poulsen...

Is Internet Voting Safe? Vote Here
From ACM TechNews

Is Internet Voting Safe? Vote Here

Arizona election officials demonstrated their Internet voting system at ACM's recent Computers, Freedom, and Privacy Conference in Washington, D.C. For the 2008...
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