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subjectComputer Systems

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Quantum Calculations Can Make Atomic Clocks of the Future Far More Accurate
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Quantum Calculations Can Make Atomic Clocks of the Future Far More Accurate

New calculations of how atoms swell when they’re warmed up can help make the next generation of atomic clocks 10 times more precise.

Military Bans Disks, Threatens Courts-Martial to Stop New Leaks
From ACM News

Military Bans Disks, Threatens Courts-Martial to Stop New Leaks

It’s too late to stop WikiLeaks from publishing thousands more classified documents, nabbed from the Pentagon’s secret network. But the U.S. military is telling...

Darpa: Fuse Nerves With Robot Limbs, Make Prosthetics Feel Real
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Darpa: Fuse Nerves With Robot Limbs, Make Prosthetics Feel Real

Controlling robotic limbs with your brain is just step one. The Pentagon eventually wants artificial arms and legs to feel and perform just the same as naturally...

Android Phones Can Substitute For Supercomputers
From ACM TechNews

Android Phones Can Substitute For Supercomputers

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Texas Advanced Computing Center have developed an Android application that can take simulations...

High-Speed Laser Chips Move Data at 50 Gbps
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High-Speed Laser Chips Move Data at 50 Gbps

A new research breakthrough from Intel combines silicon chips and lasers to transmit data at 50 gigabits per second—and someday, maybe as fast as a terabit per...

Swarm of Micro-Helicopters Could Create a Giant 3-D Display
From ACM News

Swarm of Micro-Helicopters Could Create a Giant 3-D Display

Mechanical fireflies could help create a new kind of 3-D display, say researchers at MIT. Standing in for the bioluminescent beetles will be LED-fitted, remotely...

DARPA Looks to Build Real-Life C3p0
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DARPA Looks to Build Real-Life C3p0

Right now, troops trying to listen in on enemy chatter rely on a convoluted process. They tune into insurgency radio frequencies, then hand the radio over to local...

From ACM News


Google engineers are working on a translator for Google Android smartphones to convert one language into another quickly enough to allow speakers without a common...

Game Changers: How Videogames Trained a Generation of Athletes
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Game Changers: How Videogames Trained a Generation of Athletes

The situation was desperate for the Denver Broncos. On the first Sunday of the National Football League’s 2009 season, with only 28 seconds left in the game, they...

Quantum Computer Simulates Hydrogen Molecule Just Right
From ACM News

Quantum Computer Simulates Hydrogen Molecule Just Right

Almost three decades ago, Richard Feynman — known popularly as much for his bongo drumming and pranks as for his brilliant insights into physics — told an electrified...

From ACM News

Pentagon Searches For

One of the trickiest problems in cyber security is trying to figure who’s really behind an attack. Darpa, the Pentagon agency that created the Internet, is trying...

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Rogue Marketers Can Mine Your Info on Facebook

Got an e-mail list of customers or readers and want to know more about each — such as their full name, friends, gender, age, interests, location, job and education...

From ACM News

Secret Math of Fly Eyes Could Overhaul Robot Vision

By turning the brain cell activity underlying fly eyesight into mathematical equations, researchers have found an ultra-efficient method for pulling motion patterns...

From ACM News

DARPA Looks to Send the Internet Into Orbit

There’ve been satellites orbiting Earth for half a century. But getting information to and from them is still a pain. Which is why Pentagon research arm Darpa is...

Scan of Internet ­ncovers Thousands of Vulnerable Embedded Devices
From ACM TechNews

Scan of Internet ­ncovers Thousands of Vulnerable Embedded Devices

A scan of the Internet by Columbia University researchers searching for vulnerable embedded devices has found that nearly 21,000 routers, Webcams, and VoIP products...

From ACM News


The creation of a cyborg insect army has just taken a step closer to reality. A research team at the University of California Berkeley recently announced thatFrontiers...

From ACM TechNews

How the Netflix Prize Was Won

The secret to the success of BellKor's Pragmatic Chaos and The Ensemble, first- and second-place winners of the Netflix Prize, was teamwork. The Netflix Prize...

Water-Cooled Supercomputer Doubles as Dorm Space Heater
From ACM TechNews

Water-Cooled Supercomputer Doubles as Dorm Space Heater

IBM and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology are building the Aquasar, a new supercomputer that will use water to keep the system cool and will recycle some...

Doe Opens Petascale Supercomputing Power
From ACM TechNews

Doe Opens Petascale Supercomputing Power

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has committed to releasing a record amount of supercomputing time--1.3 billion processor hours--starting in 2010, giving scientific...

From ACM TechNews

Scratch Lowers Resistance to Programming

Scratch, created by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab, is a programming environment for creating interactive...
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