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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Robotic Ghost Knifefish Is Born
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Ghost Knifefish Is Born

Northwestern University researchers have developed GhostBot, a robotic fish that can instantly change directions using a ribbon-like fin, potentially revolutionizing...

Google's Artificial Intelligence Translates Poetry
From ACM News

Google's Artificial Intelligence Translates Poetry

Researchers at Google are tackling what they call one of the most difficult challenges in artificial intelligence.

From ACM TechNews

Madrid Opts For Robotics For Its Citizens Services

The Autonomous Community of Madrid is sponsoring Robocity2030, a consortium aimed at developing new applications for service robots to help improve humans' quality...

Cockroach Inspires Robotic Hand to Get a Grip
From ACM TechNews

Cockroach Inspires Robotic Hand to Get a Grip

Harvard University researcher Robert D. Howe and Yale University professor Aaron Dollar have developed a robotic hand, based on the legs of a cockroach, that is...

Metamorphosis Key to Creating Stable Walking Robots
From ACM TechNews

Metamorphosis Key to Creating Stable Walking Robots

A study to find the quickest way to evolve walking behaviors in virtual robots was conducted by University of Vermont researcher Josh Bongard. He ran simulations...

Algorithms Take Control of Wall Street
From ACM News

Algorithms Take Control of Wall Street

Last spring, Dow Jones launched a new service called Lexicon, which sends real-time financial news to professional investors. This in itself is not surprising...

From ACM TechNews

Mimic-Bots Learn to Do As We Do

Researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in South Korea have developed a robotic system that responds to the actions of the person...

2011: The Year of the Personal Robot?
From ACM TechNews

2011: The Year of the Personal Robot?

Willow Garage's PR2 personal robot platform, released last year, could lead to new advances in robotic technology. Georgia Tech professor Charles Kemp. Kemp and...

From ACM News

Hackers Find New Way to Cheat on Wall Street

High-frequency trading networks, which complete stock market transactions in microseconds, are vulnerable to manipulation by hackers who can inject tiny amounts...

From ACM News

The New Speed of Money, Reshaping Markets

A substantial part of all stock trading in the United States takes place in a warehouse in a nondescript business park just off the New Jersey Turnpike.

IBM's Jeopardy Strategy: Divide and Conquer
From ACM News

IBM's Jeopardy Strategy: Divide and Conquer

When it comes tackling a challenge as tough as answering a human question, the best computational approach may be to break the job down into multiple parts and...

Beyond Surveillance: Darpa Wants a Thinking Camera
From ACM News

Beyond Surveillance: Darpa Wants a Thinking Camera

It’s tough being an imagery analyst for the U.S. military: you’re drowning in pictures and drone video, with more pouring in endlessly from the tons of sensors...

The A.i. Revolution Is On
From ACM TechNews

The A.i. Revolution Is On

Artificial intelligence technology has evolved into a system that uses machine learning, huge data sets, complex sensors, and new algorithms to complete specific...

AI Makes Progress, but Robots Still Can't Match Humans
From ACM TechNews

AI Makes Progress, but Robots Still Can't Match Humans

Despite advances in artificial intelligence research, a robot that can pass the Turing test has yet to be developed. The development of human-like intelligence...

The Touchy Subject of Haptics
From Communications of the ACM

The Touchy Subject of Haptics

After more than 20 years of research and development, are haptic interfaces finally getting ready to enter the computing mainstream?

Nonlinear Systems Made Easy
From Communications of the ACM

Nonlinear Systems Made Easy

Pablo Parrilo has discovered a new approach to convex optimization that creates order out of chaos in complex nonlinear systems.

Cognitive Robotics Lab Tests Theories of Human Thought
From ACM News

Cognitive Robotics Lab Tests Theories of Human Thought

In a new Cognitive Robotics Lab at Rensselaer, students are exploring how human thought outwits brute force computing in the real world. The lab's 20 robots allow...

WikiLeaks Reveals Everybody's Christmas List: The World Wants Drones
From ACM News

WikiLeaks Reveals Everybody's Christmas List: The World Wants Drones

Black Friday has passed, but the holidays are upon us and shopping days are increasingly few. Having a hard time finding the perfect gift for that tiny emirate...

From ACM News

I.b.m. Supercomputer 'watson' to Challenge 'jeopardy' Stars

An I.B.M. supercomputer system named after the company’s founder, Thomas J. Watson Sr., is almost ready for a televised test: a bout of questioning on the quiz...

From ACM News

Robot Arm Improves Performance of Brain-Controlled Device

The performance of a brain-machine interface designed to help paralyzed subjects move objects with their thoughts is improved with the addition of a robotic arm...
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