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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Babies Treat 'social Robots' as Sentient Beings
From ACM News

Babies Treat 'social Robots' as Sentient Beings

University of Washington researchers report that babies who watched a robot interact socially with people were more willing to learn from the robot than babies...

Robot Arm Punches Human to Obey Asimov's Rules
From ACM News

Robot Arm Punches Human to Obey Asimov's Rules

Isaac Asimov would probably have been horrified at the experiments under way in a robotics lab in Slovenia. There, a powerful robot has been hitting people over...

Eerie Female Robot Learns to 'sing' By Copying Human Singer
From ACM News

Eerie Female Robot Learns to 'sing' By Copying Human Singer

The life-sized humanoid robot known as HRP-4 has been taught to sing using synthesized voice technology. The robot is also able to mimic the expressions of a human...

Hey Robots, Census Wants to Know All About You
From ACM News

Hey Robots, Census Wants to Know All About You

The Carnegie Mellon Robot Census 2010 has so far tallied 547 robots on the CMU campus.

Robotic Aircraft & Ground Vehicle to Collaborate at Robotics Rodeo
From ACM News

Robotic Aircraft & Ground Vehicle to Collaborate at Robotics Rodeo

Researchers at the Georgia Tech Research Institute are poised to show the U.S. Army an advanced approach to enabling autonomous collaboration among dissimilar robotic...

Robots Guarding U.S. Nuclear Stockpile
From ACM News

Robots Guarding U.S. Nuclear Stockpile

The U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration recently announced that it has started using autonomous robot vehicles to patrol the vast desert surrounding...

Google Cars Drive Themselves, in Traffic
From ACM News

Google Cars Drive Themselves, in Traffic

Anyone driving the twists of Highway 1 between San Francisco and Los Angeles recently may have glimpsed a Toyota Prius with a curious funnel-like cylinder on...

Artificial Intelligence: Helping Man Explore the Cosmos
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence: Helping Man Explore the Cosmos

Man's first 50 years of spaceflight may have been fuelled by human ingenuity but it is artificial intelligence that will play an increasingly important role in...

Intel Labs Creating Robots of the Future
From ACM TechNews

Intel Labs Creating Robots of the Future

Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and scientists from the Intel Labs site on the CMU campus recently held an open house to show off their projects, including...

Aiming to Learn As We Do, a Machine Teaches Itself
From ACM News

Aiming to Learn As We Do, a Machine Teaches Itself

Give a computer a task that can be crisply defined—win at chess, predict the weather—and the machine bests humans nearly every time. Yet when problems are nuanced...

Flying Robot Swarm Takes Off
From ACM TechNews

Flying Robot Swarm Takes Off

The Ecole Polytechnic Federale de Lausanne is experimenting with flying robots that would create a communications network for rescuers in disaster areas. Researchers...

From ACM TechNews

Five Federal Agencies Want Big Robot Technology Advances

Five U.S. agencies recently announced plans to fund innovative research and development of robotic technologies with the goal of enriching human lives. DARPA seeks...

Linear Logic
From Communications of the ACM

Linear Logic

A novel approach to computational logic is reaching maturity, opening up opening up new vistas in programming languages, proof nets, and security applications.

Technology to Improve Safety in the 'danger Zone'
From ACM TechNews

Technology to Improve Safety in the 'danger Zone'

University of Southampton professor Nick Jennings says the ALADDIN project is developing "autonomous agents which will make decisions on their own without direct...

Researcher Builds Machines That Daydream
From ACM TechNews

Researcher Builds Machines That Daydream

Murdoch University professor Graham Mann told the recent World Computer Congress in Brisbane, Australia, that intelligent systems should have emotions built into...

Vigilant Camera Eye
From ACM TechNews

Vigilant Camera Eye

Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology have developed an automated camera system that replicates some functions of the human...

­ga Researchers Apply Artificial Intelligence to the Study of Gothic Cathedrals
From ACM TechNews

­ga Researchers Apply Artificial Intelligence to the Study of Gothic Cathedrals

University of Georgia professors are using artificial intelligence to study gothic cathedrals with the aim of developing an ontology that will make it possible...

From ACM TechNews

Scientists Work Together to Move Robotics Forward

Arizona State University researchers are developing next-generation robotic devices with greater intelligence and autonomy. 

PRoViScout: ESA and NASA Develop an Independent Mars Exploration System
From ACM News

PRoViScout: ESA and NASA Develop an Independent Mars Exploration System

Researchers from across Europe—with a little help from experts at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory—are working on a new, robotic exploration system that could...

Everyday Robot Helpers Could Be Affordable in a Decade Or Less
From ACM News

Everyday Robot Helpers Could Be Affordable in a Decade Or Less

Cornell University Assistant Professor of Computer Science Ashutosh Saxena envisions that "in five to 10 years, people will buy an assistive robot that will be...
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