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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Quantum Cryptography Conquers Noise Problem
From ACM News

Quantum Cryptography Conquers Noise Problem

It's hard to stand out from the crowd—particularly if you are a single photon in a sea of millions in an optical fibre.

Computational Social Science: Making the Links
From ACM News

Computational Social Science: Making the Links

Jon Kleinberg's early work was not for the mathematically faint of heart.

Color Printing Reaches Its ­ltimate Resolution
From ACM News

Color Printing Reaches Its ­ltimate Resolution

The highest possible resolution images—about 100,000 dots per inch—have been achieved, and in full-color, with a printing method that uses tiny pillars a few tens...

Mind-Controlled Robot Arms Show Promise
From ACM News

Mind-Controlled Robot Arms Show Promise

 Two people who are unable to move their limbs have been able to guide a robot arm to reach and grasp objects using only their brain activity, a paper in Nature ...

Computer Modeling: Brain in a Box
From ACM TechNews

Computer Modeling: Brain in a Box

A proposal by Swiss Federal Institute of Technology scientist Henry Markram to build a supercomputer model integrating all knowledge about the human brain is one...

Next Generation of Supercomputers Requires Radical Redesign
From ACM TechNews

Next Generation of Supercomputers Requires Radical Redesign

The next generation of exascale supercomputers could complete one billion billion calculations per second, which would be 1,000 times faster than today's most powerful...

News Mining Might Have Predicted Arab Spring
From ACM News

News Mining Might Have Predicted Arab Spring

You could have foreseen the Arab Spring if only you'd been paying enough attention to the news. That's the claim of a new study that shows how data mining of...

Hint of Higgs, but Little More
From ACM News

Hint of Higgs, but Little More

When its experiments started in earnest earlier this year, many scientists hoped that the world's most powerful collider would turn up new particles, additional...

From ACM News

Full-Field Implementation of a Perfect Eavesdropper on a Quantum Cryptography System

Quantum key distribution allows two remote parties to grow a shared secret key. Its security is founded on the principles of quantum mechanics, but in reality...

Computer Security: Is This the Start of Cyberwarfare?
From ACM TechNews

Computer Security: Is This the Start of Cyberwarfare?

The emergence of the Stuxnet worm signals that groups or nations could launch a cyberattack that targets critical infrastructure and threatens to cause physical...

Hackers Blind Quantum Cryptographers
From ACM News

Hackers Blind Quantum Cryptographers

Lasers crack commercial encryption systems, leaving no trace.
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