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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Smart Cctv Learns to Spot Suspicious Types
From ACM TechNews

Smart Cctv Learns to Spot Suspicious Types

An international team of computer scientists at Queen Mary, University of London are developing intelligent video-surveillance software designed to spot suspicious...

Paper Screens Could Provide Depth to Computer Display
From ACM TechNews

Paper Screens Could Provide Depth to Computer Display

Researchers have designed an inexpensive interface system that uses a ceiling-mounted projector and an infrared camera to detect the placement of objects on a horizontal...

Medibots: The World's Smallest Surgeons
From ACM News

Medibots: The World's Smallest Surgeons

A man lies comatose on an operating table. The enormous spider that hangs above him has plunged four appendages into his belly. The spider, made of white steel,...

Virtual Crashes and Clatters Get Real
From ACM News

Virtual Crashes and Clatters Get Real

The clatter of a dropped trash can and the crash of a cymbal – both easily recognisable sounds. That's why computer games or CGI movies that feature such noises...

Living Wallpaper That Devices Can Relate To
From ACM TechNews

Living Wallpaper That Devices Can Relate To

The Living Wall project, led by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab researcher Leah Buechley, features an electronically enhanced wallpaper that can...

Robots Get Smarter By Asking For Help
From ACM TechNews

Robots Get Smarter By Asking For Help

Willow Garage researchers are developing robots that ask human for help when they cannot recognize objects. Willow Garage computer scientist Alan Sorokin has designed...

From ACM TechNews

Get to Hospital to See the Future

Modern hospitals provide a glimpse into how people will interact with machines in the future, according to a new Gartner report on the future of human-computer...

From ACM TechNews

Robots to Get Their Own Operating System

Robots are limited by the fact that they are often designed and built in isolation for specific functions, and roboticists have started to consider what aspects...

Magnet and Glue Turn Tongue Into Joystick
From ACM TechNews

Magnet and Glue Turn Tongue Into Joystick

New ScientistGeorgia Tech University professors Maysam Ghovanloo and Xueliang Huo have developed a headset that enables a person to precisely control a wheelchair...

Looking Forward to the Smarter Smartphone
From ACM TechNews

Looking Forward to the Smarter Smartphone

Cutting-edge research suggests there are major changes in store for smartphones. For example, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Brandon Taylor and Michael...

Virtual Power Plants Could Tame Coming Grid Chaos
From ACM News

Virtual Power Plants Could Tame Coming Grid Chaos

Fears over energy security and climate change have led to record investment in renewable energy. But a major problem threatens to stall progress towards a more...

Robots Rolling Toward Farm Revolution
From ACM TechNews

Robots Rolling Toward Farm Revolution

Carnegie Mellon University roboticist Tony Stentz says that in the near future the farming industry may undergo a significant change as robotic farmhands become...

Software to Track Our Emotional Outbursts
From ACM TechNews

Software to Track Our Emotional Outbursts

Sentiment analysis agents are designed to teach computers to comprehend the emotions expressed in text just as well as people do, and early adopters include big...

From ACM TechNews

The Mobile Future of the Keyboard

Touchscreen keyboards could stand some improvement before they become the norm in smartphones and make their way to desktop computers, gaming devices, and even...

From ACM TechNews

Vibrating Touch Screen Puts Braille at the Fingertips

Jussi Rantala of Finland's University of Tampere is working on a project that would allow the visually impaired to use touch-screen devices such as iPhones. Rantala's...

Robotic Computer Controlled Only by Gestures
From ACM News

Robotic Computer Controlled Only by Gestures

Frederic Kaplan at the Swiss Federal Institutes in Lausanne has designed and built the QB1 computer, a PC-based robot that plays music and games and is operated...

From ACM TechNews

Gadget Reads U­sers' Minds From Their Grip

Computer-human interface researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a prototype control device that predicts what function the...

From ACM TechNews

Swapping Your Body Becomes a Virtual Reality

Neuroscientists at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, have used camera technology to create the illusion that a human being has swapped his or her body...
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