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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectData / Storage And Retrieval
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

­.s. Begins Antitrust Inquiry of I.b.m.
From ACM News

­.s. Begins Antitrust Inquiry of I.b.m.

The Justice Department has started a preliminary investigation into whether I.B.M. has abused its monopoly position in the market for mainframe computers, which...

Nobel Awarded For Advances in Harnessing Light
From ACM News

Nobel Awarded For Advances in Harnessing Light

The mastery of light through technology was the theme of this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics as the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences honored breakthroughs in fiber...

From ACM News

Netflix Awards $1 Million Prize and Starts a New Contest

Netflix, the movie rental company, has decided its million-dollar-prize competition was such a good investment that it is planning another one.  The company’srecommendation...

After the Transistor, a Leap Into the Microcosm
From ACM News

After the Transistor, a Leap Into the Microcosm

Gaze into the electron microscope display in Frances Ross’s laboratory here and it is possible to persuade yourself that Dr. Ross, a 21st-century materials scientist...

From ACM News

Defying Experts, Rogue Computer Code Still Lurks

Like a ghost ship, a rogue software program that glided onto the Internet last November has confounded the efforts of top security experts to eradicate the program...

Stock Traders Find Speed Pays, in Milliseconds
From ACM TechNews

Stock Traders Find Speed Pays, in Milliseconds

Practitioners of high-frequency trading use powerful computers to transmit millions of orders at incredible speed, and critics warn that the method could be used...

Digital Eyes Will Chart Baseball's ­nseen Skills
From ACM TechNews

Digital Eyes Will Chart Baseball's ­nseen Skills

The game of baseball could be significantly affected by a new camera and software system capable of recording the precise speed and location of the ball and every...

Data Center Overload
From ACM News

Data Center Overload

Much of the daily material of our lives is now dematerialized and outsourced to a far-flung, unseen network. The stack of letters becomes the e-mail database on...

The Bar Code Is Taking a Leap Forward
From ACM News

The Bar Code Is Taking a Leap Forward

Look closely at recent supermarket coupons, and you may see some new markings on them near the traditional bar code: sets of neat black bars stacked in two rows...

From ACM News

The Wars of Words on Wikipedia's Outskirts

It is an interesting twist about Wikipedia that the most controversial, most heavily trafficked articles — on abortion, politics, virgin birth — are often the most...

New Puzzles That Tell Humans From Machines
From ACM News

New Puzzles That Tell Humans From Machines

To stay one jump ahead of fraudsters and their automated rogue programs, researchers are devising more versions of CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test...

IBM Unveils Real-Time Software to Find Trends in Vast Data Sets
From ACM TechNews

IBM Unveils Real-Time Software to Find Trends in Vast Data Sets

IBM has unveiled System S, stream processing software capable of receiving huge volumes of data from numerous sources and quickly identifying correlations within...

G.e.'s Breakthrough Can Put 100 Dvds on a Disc
From ACM TechNews

G.e.'s Breakthrough Can Put 100 Dvds on a Disc

General Electric (GE) holographic researchers have announced a digital storage breakthrough that will enable standard-sized disks to hold the equivalent of 100...

Ibm Computer Program to Take on 'jeopardy!'
From ACM TechNews

Ibm Computer Program to Take on 'jeopardy!'

IBM is developing software designed to compete against human "Jeopardy!" contestants, which, if successful, could mark a major advancement in artificial intelligence...

Scientists Publish Map of Knowledge
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Publish Map of Knowledge

Scientists at the research library of the Los Alamos National Laboratory have developed a map of knowledge that better reflects the actual use of information by...

From ACM TechNews

Fight Over Internet Filtering Has a Test Run in Europe

Europe's influence over technology regulation has led U.S. companies to send lobbyists to try and influence European lawmakers as they debate Internet access policy...

From ACM TechNews

Exploring a 'Deep Web' That Google Can't Grasp

Google recently added the one trillionth Web address to its list of indexed Web pages, and yet that represents only a small portion of the entire Web. Beyond the...

From ACM TechNews

Google Earth Dives Deep, Filling in Its Maps' Watery Gaps

When Google Earth first launched, the two-thirds of the planet that is covered by water was simply left blue. "We had this arbitrary distinction that if it was...
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