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subjectHuman Computer Interaction

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Cheetah, Gecko and Spiders Inspire Robotic Designs
From ACM TechNews

Cheetah, Gecko and Spiders Inspire Robotic Designs

Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Sangbae Kim is trying to replicate the mechanisms used by animals in robotics. Kim says the animal kingdom provides...

From ACM News


The creation of a cyborg insect army has just taken a step closer to reality. A research team at the University of California Berkeley recently announced thatFrontiers...

From ACM TechNews

How the Netflix Prize Was Won

The secret to the success of BellKor's Pragmatic Chaos and The Ensemble, first- and second-place winners of the Netflix Prize, was teamwork. The Netflix Prize...

Digital Contacts Will Keep an Eye on Your Vital Signs
From ACM TechNews

Digital Contacts Will Keep an Eye on Your Vital Signs

University of Washington (UW) researchers are developing a contact lens with a wirelessly powered light-emitting diode (LED) in the hope that the device can be...

From ACM TechNews

Experimental Tech Turns Your Coffee Table Into a ­niversal Remote

The recent ACM SIGGRAPH conference offered a video demonstration of Control of Remotely Interfaced Systems using Touch-based Actions in Living spaces (CRISTAL),...

The Next Hacking Frontier: Your Brain?
From ACM TechNews

The Next Hacking Frontier: Your Brain?

Some scientists are concerned that as brain-computer interfaces become widely used and incorporate wireless technologies, "brain hacking" could become a reality...

Bots vs. Smugglers: Drug Tunnel Smackdown
From ACM TechNews

Bots vs. Smugglers: Drug Tunnel Smackdown

New software developed at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is being used with semi-autonomous robots in the war against drug smuggling. The software can be...

Pentagon Preps Soldier Telepathy Push
From ACM News

Pentagon Preps Soldier Telepathy Push

Forget the battlefield radios, the combat PDAs or even infantry hand signals. When the soldiers of the future want to communicate, they’ll read each other's minds...
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