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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Facebook in Privacy Breach
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Facebook in Privacy Breach

Top-ranked applications transmit personal IDs, a Journal investigation finds.

'scrapers' Dig Deep For Data on Web
From ACM News

'scrapers' Dig Deep For Data on Web

At 1 a.m. on May 7, the website noticed suspicious activity on its "Mood" discussion board. There, people exchange highly personal stories...

From ACM News

One Goal: 10 Quadrillion Calculations

Installation has begun in Kobe, Japan, on a government-funded supercomputer project, aimed at giving Japan the world's fastest computer, the "K Computer," which...

Inventions Ease the Plight of Trapped Miners
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Inventions Ease the Plight of Trapped Miners

From copper-fibersocks to fiber-optic cable, innovation and improvisation make time more bearable for 33 Chilean.

From ACM News

India Launches Project to Id 1.2 Billion People

India's vaunted tech savvy is being put to the test this week as the country embarks on a daunting mission: assigning a unique 12-digit number to each of its...

From ACM TechNews

Cyber Attacks Test Pentagon, Allies and Foes

Adversarial nations worldwide have adopted cyberespionage and cyberattacks as staples of modern warfare, and U.S. defense officials estimate that more than 100...

From ACM News

Cyber Attacks Test Pentagon, Allies and Foes

 Cyber espionage has surged against governments and companies around the world in the past year, and cyber attacks have become a staple of conflict among states...

From ACM News

'Cookies' Cause Bitter Backlash

Spate of lawsuits shows user discomfort with latest innovations in online-tracking technology.

From ACM News

Apple Blinks in Apps Fight

In an uncharacteristic about-face, Apple Inc. loosened its control over software development for its iPhones and iPads as the company feels heat from a U.S. antitrust...

From ACM News

Texas Ag Probing Google's Searches

The Texas attorney general's office is conducting an antitrust review of Google Inc.'s core search-engine business, a sign of widening government scrutiny of...

How Internet Growth Is Playing Out in Top Emerging Markets
From ACM News

How Internet Growth Is Playing Out in Top Emerging Markets

The number of Internet users in the top emerging markets is set to nearly double by 2015—a pace of growth that sounds enticing but that actually presents plenty...

Only in Japan, Real Men Go to a Hotel With Virtual Girlfriends
From ACM News

Only in Japan, Real Men Go to a Hotel With Virtual Girlfriends

Dating-simulation game a last resort for honeymoon town and its lonely guests.

From ACM TechNews

Fcc Adjusts Final Rules on Use of Vacant Tv Band

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission is close to passing a proposal that would free up the vacant spectrum between TV channels, which would allow technology...

From ACM News

Lenovo to Develop Game Console

Lenovo Group Ltd. is investing in the development of a new videogame console, part of a broader push by the Chinese personal-computer company to branch out into...

Luring Shoppers to Stores
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Luring Shoppers to Stores

Marketers try interactive mirrors, discounts via scanners.

How Wikileaks Keeps Its Funding Secret
From ACM News

How Wikileaks Keeps Its Funding Secret

The controversial website WikiLeaks, which argues the cause of openness in leaking classified or confidential documents, has set up an elaborate global financial...

Intel-McAfee Deal Bets on Building Security Into Hardware
From ACM News

Intel-McAfee Deal Bets on Building Security Into Hardware

Intel Corp. agreed to buy security-software specialist McAfee Inc. Thursday for $7.68 billion, a surprise transaction that underscores the company's determination...

Google Mapping Worries Spread
From ACM News

Google Mapping Worries Spread

South Korea police raid Internet giant's offices; German officials criticize plan to roll out Street View in 20 cities.

From ACM News

Google Agonizes on Privacy as Ad World Vaults Ahead

A confidential, seven-page Google Inc. "vision statement" shows the information-age giant in a deep round of soul-searching over a basic question: How far should...

From ACM News

On the Web's Cutting Edge, Anonymity in Name Only

You may not know a company called [x+1] Inc., but it may well know a lot about you.
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