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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

A Search Service that Can Peer into the Future

Showing news stories on a timeline has been tried before. But Time Explorer, a prototype news search engine created in Yahoo's Barcelona research lab, generates...

ACM China Nearing Launch
From Communications of the ACM

ACM China Nearing Launch

ACM's expansion into China will support local professionals and increase Chinese involvement in ACM's international activities.

Degrees, Distance, and Dollars
From Communications of the ACM

Degrees, Distance, and Dollars

The Internet is making higher education accessible to a whole new class of students—but not necessarily at a lower cost.

Brains and Bytes
From Communications of the ACM

Brains and Bytes

Computational neuroscientists are learning that the brain is like a computer, except when it isn't.

Online Games Are a Gold Mine for Design Ideas
From ACM News

Online Games Are a Gold Mine for Design Ideas

Gone are the days when video gaming was a private pursuit. Gaming services such as Microsoft's Xbox Live not only connect players in living rooms the world over...

From ACM News

Extreme and Green: What Science Needs from Computing

Four participants in the upcoming Kavli Futures Symposium discuss what science needs from computing, how current computing advances are impacting research, and...

Tcs to Offer Cheap Cloud Computing Service in India
From ACM News

Tcs to Offer Cheap Cloud Computing Service in India

TCS plans to launch an affordable cloud computing service to small and medium businesses in India. The service is expected to be launched by mid-September.

Machine, Heal Thyself
From ACM TechNews

Machine, Heal Thyself

Florida Institute of Technology researchers are developing ways for computers to sense damage to their systems and automatically make repairs. "We're exploring...

Citizen Scientists Discover Rotating Pulsar
From ACM News

Citizen Scientists Discover Rotating Pulsar

The discovery by three citizen scientists of a new radio pulsar as part of the Einstein@Home project marks the first genuine astronomical discovery by a public...

Threat Report Reveals Malware at All Time High
From ACM News

Threat Report Reveals Malware at All Time High

The newly released McAfee Threats Report: Second Quarter 2010 states that malware reached unprecedented levels in the first six months of 2010, the most active...

Elite U.s. Cyber Team Courts Hackers to Fight Terror
From ACM TechNews

Elite U.s. Cyber Team Courts Hackers to Fight Terror

A U.S. cybersecurity team that has clandestinely tracks cybercriminals wants to swell its ranks with an additional 1,750 "vetted volunteers" by 2012, and to this...

From ACM News

Nist Advises Securing Critical Computer Systems From Beginning to End

A new draft report from NIST discusses the challenge of maintaining information system security throughout a system's life cycle, and provides an array of practices...

From ACM TechNews

It Industry Working Toward Energy Efficiency, Report Finds

The information technology industry is on track to achieve the Climate Savers Computing Initiative's goal of reducing annual carbon dioxide emissions by 54 million...

Research Project to Investigate Cloud Computing Technologies
From ACM TechNews

Research Project to Investigate Cloud Computing Technologies

Aston University researchers are investigating the possibilities of next-generation cloud computing technologies for large scale and complex information technology...

From ACM News

Data World Record Falls as Computer Scientists Break Terabyte Sort Barrier

Computer scientists from the University of California, San Diego broke "the terabyte barrier"—and a world record—when they sorted more than one terabyte of data ...

From ACM TechNews

Programming, Development Skills in Demand

Java/J2EE is the programming and development skill in most demand with more than 14,000 open job positions nationally, according to a July report from IT job board...

From ACM News

How Will the Smart Grid Handle Heat Waves?

Pretty well, once the technology to automatically respond to peak demand and store renewable energy matures.

From ACM News

Bringing Data Mining into the Mainstream

Plumbing the world’s ever-growing pools of digitized information—on the Web, in corporate databases, generated by scientific research—for wisdom and profit is a...

Celebrating the Legacy of Plato
From Communications of the ACM

Celebrating the Legacy of Plato

The PLATO@50 Conference marked the semicentennial of the computer system that was the forerunner of today's social media and interactive education.

Making Sense of Real-Time Behavior
From Communications of the ACM

Making Sense of Real-Time Behavior

Data captured by sensors worn on the human body and analyzed in near real-time could transform our understanding of human behavior, health, and society.
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