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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Internet Backbone Breaks the 100-Gigabit Barrier
From ACM TechNews

Internet Backbone Breaks the 100-Gigabit Barrier

A new 900-kilometer fiber-optic link between Paris and Frankfurt is the first step to creating a high-speed Internet backbone with enough capacity to satisfy bandwidth...

How Crowdsourcing Is Helping in Haiti
From ACM TechNews

How Crowdsourcing Is Helping in Haiti

The revolution in texting, social networking, and crowdsourcing has enabled innovations such as the 4636 texting service, which is aiding the disaster relief efforts...

To Beat Spam, Turn Its Own Weapons Against It
From ACM TechNews

To Beat Spam, Turn Its Own Weapons Against It

Researchers from the International Computer Science Institute and the University of California, San Diego have developed a method for blocking the most common type...

Spasers Set to Sum: A New Dawn For Optical Computing
From ACM News

Spasers Set to Sum: A New Dawn For Optical Computing

It's a laser, but not as we know it. For a start, you need a microscope to see it. Gleaming eerily green, a "spaser" is a single spherical particle just a few tens...

From ACM News

Touchscreen Merges the Real and Digital Worlds

For all the advances in table-top and tablet computing, some design professionals will always prefer the feel of pen on paper to stylus on glass. A new device could...

How Touch Screens Could Shrug Off Shoulder Surfers
From ACM TechNews

How Touch Screens Could Shrug Off Shoulder Surfers

Users of touch-screen gadgets must contend with snoopers, and researchers at Britain's Newcastle University and elsewhere are working on alternative input mechanisms...

From ACM News

Microsoft's Body-Sensing, Button-Busting Controller

A LONG-lived videogaming skill could be on the way out this year as Microsoft hones an add-on to its Xbox 360 console aimed at making button-studded games controllers...

Learning to Love to Hate Robots
From ACM TechNews

Learning to Love to Hate Robots

Several studies have recently been conducted to determine how humans and robots interact and how to improve the human-robot relationship. For example, a Carnegie...

Five Ways to Revolutionize Computer Memory
From ACM TechNews

Five Ways to Revolutionize Computer Memory

Various technologies are under development in labs worldwide to dramatically enhance computer memory capacity beyond that of flash memory. 

Motion-Sensing Phones That Predict Your Every Move
From ACM TechNews

Motion-Sensing Phones That Predict Your Every Move

Technical University of Delft researchers have developed a smartphone program that learns users' behavior patterns to provide better cell phone service. The program...

Smart Cctv Learns to Spot Suspicious Types
From ACM TechNews

Smart Cctv Learns to Spot Suspicious Types

An international team of computer scientists at Queen Mary, University of London are developing intelligent video-surveillance software designed to spot suspicious...

Paper Screens Could Provide Depth to Computer Display
From ACM TechNews

Paper Screens Could Provide Depth to Computer Display

Researchers have designed an inexpensive interface system that uses a ceiling-mounted projector and an infrared camera to detect the placement of objects on a horizontal...

From ACM TechNews

Cellphones Team ­p to Make Wi-Fi Where You Want It

Scientists at Microsoft Research India and colleagues at the University of California, Santa Barbara have developed Cool-Tether, a system that combines the Internet...

From ACM TechNews

Proper ­se of English Could Get a Virus Past Security

Johns Hopkins University security researcher Josh Mason says hackers could potentially evade most existing antivirus programs by hiding malicious code within ordinary...

Medibots: The World's Smallest Surgeons
From ACM News

Medibots: The World's Smallest Surgeons

A man lies comatose on an operating table. The enormous spider that hangs above him has plunged four appendages into his belly. The spider, made of white steel,...

Mobile Botnets Show Their Destructive Potential
From ACM News

Mobile Botnets Show Their Destructive Potential

Denial-of-services (DoS) attacks are a common tactic used by "black hats" intent on bringing down a high-profile Web site. Now Patrick Traynor of the Georgia Institute...

From ACM TechNews

Theme-Park Dummy Trick Becomes Teleconference Tool

A trick used in theme-park animatronics could help people act more naturally during videoconferences. Shader lamps is a technique that projects an animated face...

Triple Shadows and Fake Reflections: Future Graphics
From ACM TechNews

Triple Shadows and Fake Reflections: Future Graphics

At the second annual ACM SIGGRAPH Asia conference, which takes place December 16-19 in Yokohama, Japan, computer graphics professionals and researchers will demonstrate...

Virtual Crashes and Clatters Get Real
From ACM News

Virtual Crashes and Clatters Get Real

The clatter of a dropped trash can and the crash of a cymbal – both easily recognisable sounds. That's why computer games or CGI movies that feature such noises...

Living Wallpaper That Devices Can Relate To
From ACM TechNews

Living Wallpaper That Devices Can Relate To

The Living Wall project, led by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab researcher Leah Buechley, features an electronically enhanced wallpaper that can...
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