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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Context-Aware Smartphones
From Communications of the ACM

Context-Aware Smartphones

Future generations of smartphones will be context aware, tracking your behavior, providing information about the immediate environment, and anticipating your intentions...

The Universe in Your Computer
From Communications of the ACM

The Universe in Your Computer

Two virtual astronomical telescopes promise to transform the way people view and study the cosmos.

Calculating the Future
From Communications of the ACM

Calculating the Future

Climate researchers have no shortage of scientific issues on which to expend computer power. The biggest problem is choosing which one to tackle first.

From ACM TechNews

Teaching Intangibles With Technology

European and Israeli researchers have developed an education system that focuses on teaching students critical thinking, social interaction, discourse, rhetoric...

From ACM TechNews

A New Web of Trust

A year after security researchers exposed a flaw in the Domain Name System (DNS), a permanent solution is finally being implemented. The DNSSEC protocol, which...

From ACM TechNews

Information Architecture For Digital Libraries

The libraries of the 21st century will be Web-based, but the technologies, standards, and architecture that future digital libraries will use are still being defined...

From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence: Robots Rule When It Comes to Holiday Shopping

Retailers are using robots to help warehouse workers find fast-selling products more quickly. The robots, built by Kiva Systems, are programmed with maps of the...

From ACM TechNews

The 9 Hottest Skills For '09

Even with a struggling economy and record unemployment, certain IT skills will be in high demand in the coming year. Programming and application development will...

From ACM TechNews

Stimulus Could Boost It Job Prospects

The overall outlook for IT employment in 2009 is mixed, but some analysts say the U.S. federal economic stimulus package could add IT positions. Compared to jobs...

From ACM TechNews

Google Brings Cross-Language Translation to Search Appliance

Google wants to create greater international interest in a new experimental feature that enables Google Search Appliance (GSA) to translate documents between 34...

From ACM TechNews

­U.S. Not Ready For Cyber Attack

The results of a two-day cyberwar simulation involving 230 representatives from U.S. government defense and security agencies, private companies, and civil groups...

From ACM TechNews

W3c ­pgrades Web Accessibility Standards

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has released version 2.0 of its Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which are designed to help developers make Web...

From ACM TechNews

HP, ASU U­nveil Paper-Like, Flexible Display

Hewlett-Packard (HP) and Arizona State University's Flexible Design Center have developed a prototype, paper-like, unbreakable, flexible computer display made almost...

From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon Cylab Survey ­Unveils Major Gap in the Way ­U.S. Boards and CEOs Manage Cyber Risks

Carnegie Mellon University's CyLab has surveyed 703 corporate board directors and found that only 36 percent of the respondents said their board was directly involved...

Touching the Future
From Communications of the ACM

Touching the Future

In combination with finger and hand gestures, multitouch input is enabling users to manipulate and display information in innovative and unprecedented ways.

Upwardly Mobile
From Communications of the ACM

Upwardly Mobile

Mobile phones are bridging the digital divide and transforming many economic, social, and medical realities, particularly in developing nations.

Living Machines
From Communications of the ACM

Living Machines

Researchers of molecular computing and communication are focusing on the type of breakthroughs needed to make the vision of ultrasmall, biocompatible computers....

Making a Difference
From Communications of the ACM

Making a Difference

The Grace Hopper Celebration featured technical talks, workshops, networking events, and lively discussions about increasing the number of women in computer science...

From ACM TechNews

Open-Source Developers Set Out Software Road Map for 2020

A group of open source software advocates have published  a report that establishes a road map for the software industry through 2020. The report makes several...

From ACM TechNews

Cell Phones Linked to Track Real-Time Traffic

The Mobile Millennium trial, a real-time wireless traffic network for San Francisco, launched this month and will link together GSM-based cell phones equipped with...
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