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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Algorithms Aid Prosthetics Development

Advanced algorithms could help make the speed and accuracy of clinically viable prosthetic devices more comparable to a healthy human arm. 

From ACM TechNews

U.K. Researchers Building 'Fat-Free' Cloud Programming Framework

Researchers at Citrix and the universities of Cambridge and Nottingham have developed Mirage, a programming framework aimed at supporting applications that run...

From ACM News

Nsa Gets Geeky After Dark, New Docs Show

It's an agency staffed by some of the government's top hackers, brainiest cryptographers, and most sophisticated network defenders. But when employees at the NSA...

Visions of the Future
From Communications of the ACM

Visions of the Future

ACM joined forces with the British Computer Society to deliver its first academic research conference in Europe.

Mainstreaming Augmented Reality
From Communications of the ACM

Mainstreaming Augmented Reality

Advancements in computer vision, object recognition, and related technologies are leading to new levels of sophistication in augmented-reality applications and...

Sharing Computational Perspectives
From Communications of the ACM

Sharing Computational Perspectives

Computer scientists are now making intellectual contributions to a wide range of other disciplines, including evolutionary theory, physics, and economics.

New Mental-Health Apps For Iphones Like a 'therapist in Your Pocket'
From ACM TechNews

New Mental-Health Apps For Iphones Like a 'therapist in Your Pocket'

Researchers are developing iPhone apps designed to alleviate the symptoms of mental illness. The apps provide advice on how to change negative affective states...

Oil Spill on Track to Reach Atlantic No Later Than October
From ACM News

Oil Spill on Track to Reach Atlantic No Later Than October

 Oil gushing from the Deepwater Horizon site in the Gulf of Mexico will reach the Atlantic Ocean within six months, says oceanographer Synte Peacock. Exactly when...

Algorithm Ranks World's Top Soccer Talent
From ACM News

Algorithm Ranks World's Top Soccer Talent

These days, in pretty much every sport, there is no hiding from statistics. Coaches, team owners, fantasy leaguers, and fans are tracking and analyzing a player's...

Parking on Campus a Snap With Carleton Professor's App
From ACM TechNews

Parking on Campus a Snap With Carleton Professor's App

Carleton University computer science professor Dwight Deugo has developed, a system that enables users to pay for parking at campus lots with a text...

The Ground-Breaking Tech of 'toy Story 3'
From ACM News

The Ground-Breaking Tech of 'toy Story 3'

At Pixar Animation Studios, which will release "Toy Story 3," its 11th feature film, on Friday, each new movie is an opportunity both to notch huge box office numbers...

19th-Century Tech Makes a Smarter iPhone
From ACM News

19th-Century Tech Makes a Smarter iPhone

Rarely has 19th-century technology stirred an audience of 21st-century technophiles as it did last week when Apple co-founder Steve Jobs revealed that the next-generation...

From ACM News

A Decade Later, Genetic Map Yields Few New Cures

Ten years after President Bill Clinton announced that the first draft of the human genome was complete, medicine has yet to see any large part of the promised benefits...

New System Developed for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
From ACM TechNews

New System Developed for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease

University of Grenada researchers have developed techniques that enable the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease by analyzing computer images. 

From ACM News

AI That Picks Stocks Better Than the Pros

A computer science professor uses textual analysis of articles from Yahoo Finance to beat the market.

Invisibility Cloaks and How to ­se Them
From ACM News

Invisibility Cloaks and How to ­se Them

The "invisibility cloaks" being made in labs today can hide objects when viewed from a wide range of directions and in visible light--both considered implausible...

Free, Open Virtual Laboratory For Infectious Diseases
From ICT Results

Free, Open Virtual Laboratory For Infectious Diseases

Doctors around the world will soon have a powerful new tool at their disposal in the fight against  infectious diseases: a virtual laboratory that will help them...

Ocean Currents Likely to Carry Oil Along Atlantic Coast
From ACM News

Ocean Currents Likely to Carry Oil Along Atlantic Coast

A detailed computer modeling study released today indicates that oil from the massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico might soon extend along thousands of miles of...

From ACM News

­sing Neural Networks to Classify Music

University of Hong Kong students trained a convolutional neural network built for image recognition to classify music.

From ACM News

New Automated Tool 'debugs' Nuclear Weapon Simulations

Purdue University researchers, working with high-performance computing experts at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, have created an automated program to "debug"...
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