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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Deluge of Data Shapes a New Era in Computing
From ACM News

A Deluge of Data Shapes a New Era in Computing

In a speech given just a few weeks before he was lost at sea off the California coast in January 2007, Jim Gray, a database software pioneer and a Microsoft researcher...

Southampton Supercomputer to Crunch Computations
From ACM TechNews

Southampton Supercomputer to Crunch Computations

The new University of Southampton supercomputer, which will go live in January 2010, will enable students in the school's Institute for Complex Systems Simulation...

From ACM TechNews

Wigig Fast Wireless Group Finishes Standard

A standard for a technology to deliver as much as 7 gigabits per second (Gbps) over an extremely high unlicensed frequency band has been completed by the Wireless...

Network Analysis Reveals True Connections
From ACM TechNews

Network Analysis Reveals True Connections

Northwestern University researchers have developed a universal method that can correctly analyze a variety of complex networks. The researchers tested their method...

Locating Ieds with Scare Technology
From ACM News

Locating Ieds with Scare Technology

University of Maryland researchers have developed and successfully tested new computer software and computational techniques to analyze patterns of improvised explosive...

From ACM News

Popeye, the Robot with Brains Not Brawn

European researchers have developed a new approach to artificial intelligence that could empower computers to respond intelligently to human behaviour as well as...

From ACM News

At a Loss For Words? Google Offers Search By Sight

Google's first search engine let people search by typing text onto a Web page. Next came queries spoken over the phone. On Monday, Google announced the ability...

Paper Screens Could Provide Depth to Computer Display
From ACM TechNews

Paper Screens Could Provide Depth to Computer Display

Researchers have designed an inexpensive interface system that uses a ceiling-mounted projector and an infrared camera to detect the placement of objects on a horizontal...

Microscopic Gyroscopes Aim For Mass Appeal
From ICT Results

Microscopic Gyroscopes Aim For Mass Appeal

Tiny devices made possible by combining the latest advances in mechanical and electronics technology could be at the heart of next-generation personal navigation...

Software Models Aid Genetic Study
From ACM TechNews

Software Models Aid Genetic Study

New modeling software called Qlucore is being used by researchers at King's College to study how genes react to toxins. The gene-modeling software can sort through...

Californians and Cell Phones to Help Computer Scientists Track Air Pollution
From ACM News

Californians and Cell Phones to Help Computer Scientists Track Air Pollution

Computer scientists at University of California, San Diego are creating a network of environmental sensors that will help identify air pollution hot spots. The...

From ACM TechNews

A Report on the Discovery and Innovation in Health IT Workshop

The Discovery and Innovation in Health IT Workshop, cosponsored by the Computing Community Consortium (CCC), attempted to make further progress on productive collaboration...

From ACM News

Squeezing Web Sites Onto Cellphones

When a group of engineers at National Instruments Corp. modified a 1988 Oldsmobile so it could be controlled by an iPhone, the company was quick to share the project...

New Algorithms For Computerized, Large-Scale Surveillance
From ACM TechNews

New Algorithms For Computerized, Large-Scale Surveillance

The U.S. Air Force has adapted the advanced algebraic theories of mathematicians Myoung An and Richard Tolimieri to improve its object and target detection technology...

Researchers Create Shape-Shifting Antennas
From ACM News

Researchers Create Shape-Shifting Antennas

Research from North Carolina State University is revolutionizing the field of antenna design — creating shape-shifting antennas that open the door to a host of...

From ACM News

Open Source as a Model For Business Is Elusive

SAN FRANCISCO — In many ways, MySQL embodies the ideals of the populist software movement known as open source, in which a program’s creator releases it to the...

From ACM TechNews

New Standard Lets Browsers Get a Grip on Files

The World Wide Web Consortium has published File API, an interface draft that Web browsers can use to better manipulate files and is part of a larger effort to...

From ACM News

­nflattening Touch-Screen Buttons

Ever wish the flat touch screen buttons on your phone felt more like physical buttons? Chris Harrison and Prof. Scott Hudson at Carnegie Mellon have developed...

Medibots: The World's Smallest Surgeons
From ACM News

Medibots: The World's Smallest Surgeons

A man lies comatose on an operating table. The enormous spider that hangs above him has plunged four appendages into his belly. The spider, made of white steel,...

Blueprints For Self-Assembly
From Communications of the ACM

Blueprints For Self-Assembly

Researchers are using tools from information theory and computer science to facilitate the automatic creation of nanoscale structures.
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