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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A-Z of Programming Languages: Scala
From ACM TechNews

A-Z of Programming Languages: Scala

The Scala programming language, which runs on the Java Virtual Machine, could become the preferred language of the modern Web 2.0 startup, according to a Twitter...

'spiderbots' Talk Amongst Themselves Inside Active Volcano
From ACM TechNews

'spiderbots' Talk Amongst Themselves Inside Active Volcano

A group of "spiderbots" released inside Mount St. Helens in Washington is the first network of volcano sensors capable of automatically communicating with each...

Computer Scientists Take Over Electronic Voting Machine With New Programming Technique
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Take Over Electronic Voting Machine With New Programming Technique

Computer scientists from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), the University of Michigan, and Princeton University have demonstrated that a Sequoia electronic...

From ACM TechNews

Semantics-Based Software Boosts Company Performance

SUPER, a European research project, has developed software that expedites companies' development or adjustment of their business processes while realizing cost...

From ACM TechNews

Robots to Get Their Own Operating System

Robots are limited by the fact that they are often designed and built in isolation for specific functions, and roboticists have started to consider what aspects...

From ACM TechNews

­.s. Web-Tracking Plan Stirs Privacy Fears

The White House is proposing to soften a long-existing prohibition on tracking how users peruse U.S. government Web sites with cookies and other methods, inciting...

From ACM TechNews

Computer 'agents' Take to the Web

Artificial intelligence agents that automatically negotiate for online shoppers, called Negotiation Ninjas, will be tested on a shopping Web site called Aroxo this...

From ACM TechNews

Finding the Right Piece of Sky

At the recent ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 conference, Microsoft Research's Visual Computing Group presented SkyFinder, a search system designed to analyze images of the sky...

From ACM TechNews

Nist Demonstrates Sustained Quantum Processing in Step Toward Quantum Computers

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) physicists have demonstrated sustained, reliable information processing operations on electrically charged...

Supercomputer Visuals Without Graphics Chip
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputer Visuals Without Graphics Chip

The obsolescence of graphics-processing clusters is being hastened by the rapidly accelerating data processing speed of supercomputers. Scientists at Argonne National...

From ACM TechNews

Warning Issued on Web Programming Interfaces

Application programming interfaces (APIs), software specifications that allow Web sites and services to interact with each other, have been a major factor in the...

Hackers Game a Multiplayer World
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Game a Multiplayer World

Two programmers have hacked the World of Warcraft online game environment with a set of programs that automate in-game characters, which game developer Blizzard...

Intel Taps Facebook Multitudes For Massive Research Efforts
From ACM TechNews

Intel Taps Facebook Multitudes For Massive Research Efforts

Intel has launched Progress Thru Processors, a new Facebook application that provides users with an interface to donate their unused computer processing time to...

From ACM TechNews

Behavior of Building Block of Nature Could Lead to Computer Revolution

Physicists from the Universities of Cambridge and Birmingham have demonstrated that electrons in narrow wires can split into two new particles called spinons and...

Programming Tools Tap Video Game Processors For Defense Needs
From ACM TechNews

Programming Tools Tap Video Game Processors For Defense Needs

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology Research Institute (GTRI) are developing a programming tool that will enable defense industry engineers to use...

From ACM TechNews

Dna Computation Gets Logical at the Weizmann Institute

Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have discovered a way to make biomolecular computers fashioned from DNA and other biological molecules more user...

Computer Graphics Innovator Wins ACM Siggraph Research Award
From ACM News

Computer Graphics Innovator Wins ACM Siggraph Research Award

ACM SIGGRAPH has awarded its 2009 Significant New Researcher Award to Wojciech Matusik for his original contributions to accurately capturing and representing real...

Wiring Rural America: Which Technology Is Best?
From ACM News

Wiring Rural America: Which Technology Is Best?

Reaching the most remote rural customers with high-speed Internet access can be prohibitively expensive. Consider the case of Hill Country Telephone Cooperative...

Creator of Cloth Simulation Software Tapped for ACM SIGGRAPH Award
From ACM News

Creator of Cloth Simulation Software Tapped for ACM SIGGRAPH Award

ACM SIGGRAPH  has awarded its 2009 Computer Graphics Achievement Award to Michael Kass, who designed a software program that replicates the movement of clothing...

Yawn Alert For Weary Drivers
From ACM TechNews

Yawn Alert For Weary Drivers

An in-car system for detecting driver fatigue has the potential to reduce traffic accidents caused by tired drivers, according to Aurobinda Mishra of Vanderbilt...
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