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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

High-Performance System Available For Computationally-Demanding Problems
From ACM News

High-Performance System Available For Computationally-Demanding Problems

Scientist Dr. Russ Miller (pictured) is leading the rollout of "Magic," one of the most powerful computers in New York State, to qualified users worldwide for solving...

Sun Dial Mobile App Alerts Muslims to Prayer
From ACM News

Sun Dial Mobile App Alerts Muslims to Prayer

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a mobile application known as Sun Dial, which alerts Muslim users when it's time to perform the...

Connections Do Count
From ACM TechNews

Connections Do Count

University of Pennsylvania computer scientist Michael Kearns is exploring the connections between social networks and human behavior. Such research could revolutionize...

From ACM TechNews

Recent Research Tackles the Complexity of Self-Awareness

Researchers at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid's School of Computing are using modular neural networks to model cognitive functions related to awareness and...

Wattbot Residential Monitoring System Generates Energy Savings
From ACM TechNews

Wattbot Residential Monitoring System Generates Energy Savings

Graduate students at the Indiana University School of Informatics have developed WattBot, a residential electricity monitoring and feedback system that will be...

Cloud Computing Meets Star Production Demands
From ACM News

Cloud Computing Meets Star Production Demands

The advantages of cloud computing were dramatically illustrated last week by researchers working on the STAR nuclear physics experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory's...

From ICT Results

Handsets Avert Radio Spectrum Saturation, Opportunistically

Mobile users want better video calls, streaming television and faster downloads, placing more demands on the limited radio spectrum available to operators. Could...

Hp, Ibm Labs Straddle Present and Future Technologies
From ACM TechNews

Hp, Ibm Labs Straddle Present and Future Technologies

Both IBM's Almaden Research Center and Hewlett-Packard Labs are focused on promoting their companies' core businesses and investigating emerging technologies....

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Seek to Assist the Elderly

Washington State University professors Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe and Diane Cook have created a smart home laboratory to assess how technology can help senior...

Architects Compose Symphony of Computing Services
From ACM News

Architects Compose Symphony of Computing Services

Web services are finding homes in a growing number of applications, from e-learning to manufacturing. But the IT industry's rush to meet demand for services has...

Multicores Seen Driving Next-Generation Mobile Phones
From ACM TechNews

Multicores Seen Driving Next-Generation Mobile Phones

York University professor Neil Audsley is part of the pan-European Embedded Multi-Core Processing for Mobile Communications project, an effort to make the multi...

'Smart Dew' Motes Serve as Invisible Security Guards
From ACM TechNews

'Smart Dew' Motes Serve as Invisible Security Guards

Tel Aviv University researchers have developed Smart Dew, tiny sensors as small as dewdrops that can be arranged in a network. The inexpensive sensors are equipped...

Top 10 Technology Skills
From ACM TechNews

Top 10 Technology Skills

Although many sectors of the economy are struggling to survive, the information technology (IT) industry is still relatively strong. Employment experts say that...

From ACM TechNews

Eurosys 2009 Explores Future Computer System Designs

The EuroSys 2009 conference, sponsored by the European chapter of ACM's Special Interest Group on Operating Systems, will focus on computer system research that...

Inside Hp Labs: 8 Cool Projects
From ACM TechNews

Inside Hp Labs: 8 Cool Projects

Hewlett-Packard Labs is hosting a number of research projects, including one on sustainable data centers that aims to determine how future data centers can be self...

From ACM TechNews

Ietf to Explore New Routing Technique

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is forming a new working group to address scalability issues in the Internet's routing system, which are caused by companies...

Researchers Open a Window on Tomorrow's Grid
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Open a Window on Tomorrow's Grid

The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's (PNNL's) Electrical Infrastructure Operations Center features a prototype control room that provides a glimpse into...

From ACM News

Canadian Researchers Reveal How They Cracked Chinese Spy Scam

A 34-year-old student and part-time tech geek at Toronto's Munk Centre for International Studies tried everything to track down a piece of malicious software that...

From ACM News

Researchers ­ncover Chinese Cyber Plot Against Foreign Missions

Canadian researchers have reportedly uncovered a Chinese cyber plot that hacked the Web sites of the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, and systems in the...

From ACM News

Parties Follow Obama Strategy to Lure Younger Voters

Taking a cue from the success of Barack Obama's Internet campaign in the 2008 U.S. presidential elections, politicians in India are using technology to reach out...
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