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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Mind-Controlled Robot Arms Show Promise
From ACM News

Mind-Controlled Robot Arms Show Promise

 Two people who are unable to move their limbs have been able to guide a robot arm to reach and grasp objects using only their brain activity, a paper in Nature ...

Why Flipping Through Paper-Like Pages Endures in the Digital World
From ACM News

Why Flipping Through Paper-Like Pages Endures in the Digital World

When Instapaper developer Marco Arment updated his popular offline reading app for the iPad, something was different. Instapaper's normal pagination action—rendering...

Floating Robots Use Gps-Enabled Smartphones to Track Water Flow
From ACM TechNews

Floating Robots Use Gps-Enabled Smartphones to Track Water Flow

University of California, Berkeley researchers have developed the Floating Sensor Network project, which offers a network of mobile sensors that can be rapidly...

Here Comes the Sunstorm
From ACM News

Here Comes the Sunstorm

With a peak in the cycle of solar flares approaching, U.S. electricity regulators are weighing their options for protecting the nation's grid from the sun's eruptions—including...

Researchers Propose Solution to 'Bufferbloat'
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Propose Solution to 'Bufferbloat'

Xerox PARC's Van Jacobson and Pollere's Kathleen Nichols have developed Controlled Delay, a queue management mechanism designed to solve the "bufferbloat" problem...

The Elusive Capacity of Networks
From ACM TechNews

The Elusive Capacity of Networks

Researchers at MIT, the California Institute of Technology, and the University of Technology in Munich have shown that in a wired network, network coding and error...

Free, Browser-Based 'wolfenstein 3d' Released By Bethesda
From ACM News

Free, Browser-Based 'wolfenstein 3d' Released By Bethesda

Bethesda Softworks has released a free, browser-based version of the iconic first-person shooter, Wolfenstein 3D.

Implanted User Interfaces: I've Got You Under My Skin
From ACM News

Implanted User Interfaces: I've Got You Under My Skin

The human body is regularly augmented with technology, from pacemakers and hearing aids to magnets people embed under their skin to give them a new sense. However...

The Education of Mark Zuckerberg
From ACM News

The Education of Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg is ready for his close-up.

Intel Futurist on Why We Should Not Fear the Future
From ACM Opinion

Intel Futurist on Why We Should Not Fear the Future

Much of Intel's success as a microprocessor manufacturer over the past four decades has come from the company's ability to understand and anticipate the future...

Iran Slams Google for Leaving Persian Gulf Nameless
From ACM News

Iran Slams Google for Leaving Persian Gulf Nameless

Iran on Saturday criticized Google for leaving the body of water separating it from the Arabian peninsula nameless on its online map service, saying it would hurt...

A Computer Interface that Takes a Load Off Your Mind
From ACM News

A Computer Interface that Takes a Load Off Your Mind

Conversations between people include a lot more than just words. All sorts of visual and aural cues indicate each party's state of mind and make for a productive...

Next Xbox Could Have a Biometric Controller
From ACM News

Next Xbox Could Have a Biometric Controller

The controller for the next Xbox might be able to take biometric readings of your hand, according to a recent Microsoft patent.

A Revamping of Bing in the Battle For Search Engine Supremacy
From ACM News

A Revamping of Bing in the Battle For Search Engine Supremacy

When Facebook goes public in the coming weeks, there will be a lot of winners. Among them is one of the stalwarts of the tech industry, Microsoft, which has a small...

Daniela Rus's Robotic Sand
From ACM News

Daniela Rus's Robotic Sand

History holds lessons, even for those designing futuristic robots.

Nasa Dawn Mission Reveals Secrets of Large Asteroid
From ACM News

Nasa Dawn Mission Reveals Secrets of Large Asteroid

NASA's Dawn spacecraft has provided researchers with the first orbital analysis of the giant asteroid Vesta, yielding new insights into its creation and kinship...

Researchers Demonstrate New Way to Control Nonvolatile Magnetic Memory Devices
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Demonstrate New Way to Control Nonvolatile Magnetic Memory Devices

The spin Hall effect is useful for memory applications because it can switch magnetic poles back and forth, according to researchers at Cornell University.  

Thomas Sterling: 'i Think We Will Never Reach Zettaflops'
From ACM Opinion

Thomas Sterling: 'i Think We Will Never Reach Zettaflops'

As supercomputing makes its way through the petascale era, the future of the technology has never seemed so uncertain.

Movie Magic to Leave Home For?
From ACM News

Movie Magic to Leave Home For?

Someday, if the dreams of movie-technology designers come true, you'll flash your smartphone ticket, settle into your plush cinema seat and be greeted with a hyper...

Bill Would Have Businesses Foot Cost Of Cyberwar
From ACM News

Bill Would Have Businesses Foot Cost Of Cyberwar

Business executives and national security leaders are of one mind over the need to improve the security of the computers that control the U.S. power grid, the financial...
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