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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Mapping New Paths For a Stressed-Out Internet
From ACM News

Mapping New Paths For a Stressed-Out Internet

Researchers in the United States and Europe have created the first geometric "atlas" of the Internet as part of a project to prevent the world's most ubiquitous...

­CLA Chemists, Engineers Fabricate High-Speed Graphene Transistors
From ACM TechNews

­CLA Chemists, Engineers Fabricate High-Speed Graphene Transistors

UCLA researchers say they have fabricated the fastest graphene transistors ever using a nanowire as the self-aligned gate. Their fabrication technique enabled...

Shape-Shifting Robot Compensates For Damaged Limb
From ACM TechNews

Shape-Shifting Robot Compensates For Damaged Limb

European roboticists have developed software that enables a modular robot to adapt when one part stops working. 

From ACM TechNews

New Process Promises to Revolutionize Manufacturing of Products

University of Waterloo scientists have developed Multiple Memory Material Technology, a new manufacturing process that they say makes smart materials even smarter...

From ACM TechNews

Scientists Develop Device to Enable Improved Global Data Transmission

University of Southampton researchers have developed a data transmission system that could benefit optical communications networks by eliminating phase noise from...

From ACM News

Computer Scientists Leverage Dark Silicon to Improve Smartphone Battery Life

A new smartphone chip prototype under development at the University of California, San Diego will improve smartphone efficiency by making use of "dark silicon"—the...

Researchers Create Robot That Can Pair, Fold Socks
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Create Robot That Can Pair, Fold Socks

University of California, Berkeley researchers have developed a robot that can pair and fold socks. The robot can determine whether a sock is inside out based on...

From ACM TechNews

Vulnerability in Commercial Quanto Cryptography

Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light have...

Researchers Develop New Piezoelectric Logic Devices
From ACM News

Researchers Develop New Piezoelectric Logic Devices

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a new class of electronic logic device in which current is switched by an electric field generated...

From ACM News

Nsf Funds Expedition Into Software For Efficient Computing of Nanoscale Devices

The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded a $10 million, five-year grant to researchers who will explore software-assisted monitoring of system components...

Wonder Conductors Will Spin ­p Cooler Computers
From ACM News

Wonder Conductors Will Spin ­p Cooler Computers

Newly discovered materials called topological insulators could clear the way for blisteringly fast laptops and smartphones that don't warm your lap or singe your...

Nasa Funds Development of Nano Materials For Advanced Lithium-Ion Batteries
From ACM News

Nasa Funds Development of Nano Materials For Advanced Lithium-Ion Batteries

NEI Corp. and UC San Diego recently won a Phase II Small Business Technology Transfer contract from NASA to develop and implement high energy density cathode materials...

N.c. Scientists Helping Soldiers
From ACM TechNews

N.c. Scientists Helping Soldiers

University of North Carolina researchers are collaborating with the Naval Postgraduate School to develop an intelligent-training system for the military using automatically...

Prediction of Intrinsic Magnetism at Silicon Surfaces Could Lead to Single-Spin Magnetoelectronics
From ACM TechNews

Prediction of Intrinsic Magnetism at Silicon Surfaces Could Lead to Single-Spin Magnetoelectronics

Physicists at the Naval Research Laboratory and the University of Wisconsin-Madison predict that a family of well-known silicon surfaces, stabilized by chains of...

From ACM News

Ornl Graphite Foam Technology Licensed to Led North America

Graphite foam technology developed at the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory has been licensed to LED North America (Oak Ridge, TN) for...

Secrets of the Gecko Foot Help Robot Climb
From ACM TechNews

Secrets of the Gecko Foot Help Robot Climb

Stanford University engineer Mark Cutkosky has led the development of Stickybot, a robot that can climb up smooth surfaces with feet modeled on the design of gecko...

From ACM TechNews

W3c Launches Web Performance Working Group

A new W3C working group will focus on improving the measurement of Web application performance times.The Web Performance Working Group will initially create a common...

Size Matters: Canadian Research Could Shrink Gadget Size
From ACM TechNews

Size Matters: Canadian Research Could Shrink Gadget Size

McGill University researchers have found that quantum dots are capable of creating large voltages that can keep compact electronic devices running. "We need to...

'spintronics' Breakthrough Holds Promise For Next-Generation Computers
From ACM TechNews

'spintronics' Breakthrough Holds Promise For Next-Generation Computers

University of Kansas (KU) researchers have discovered a way to recognize currents of spinning electrons, or spintronics, within a semiconductor using powerful lasers...

Researchers Work to Protect, Restore Vulnerable Networks
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Work to Protect, Restore Vulnerable Networks

The University of Arizona is collaborating with researchers at Columbia University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on a project which is developing...
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