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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Content Control
From Communications of the ACM

Content Control

Entertainment businesses say digital rights management prevents the theft of their products, but access control technologies have been a uniform failure when it...

Micromedicine to the Rescue
From Communications of the ACM

Micromedicine to the Rescue

Medical researchers have long dreamed of "magic bullets" that go directly where they are needed. Now micromedicine and nanotechnology are making a range of molecules...

Test Facility Aims to Improve Land Mine Detection Equipment
From ACM News

Test Facility Aims to Improve Land Mine Detection Equipment

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have built a test facility to evaluate and enhance sensors designed to detect buried land mines. The unique automated...

Italy Aims to Send Spider-Bot Swarm to Moon
From ACM News

Italy Aims to Send Spider-Bot Swarm to Moon

Nearly 40 years after Americans first set foot on the moon, a host of private rocketeers are hoping to follow to win a $30 million prize. Team Italia, one of 17...

Cutting-Edge Robots Show Off in Japan
From ACM TechNews

Cutting-Edge Robots Show Off in Japan

Researchers from around the world are meeting at a conference in Kobe, Japan, to discuss recent advancements in robotics. Among those on display will be RiSE, a...

From ACM TechNews

EC Wants Software Makers Held Liable for Code

The European Commission is proposing that the European Union's consumer protections for physical products also cover software. Commissioners Viviane Reding and...

From ACM TechNews

Faa's Air-Traffic Networks Breached By Hackers

The U.S. Transportation Department's inspector general released a report on May 6 that said the U.S.'s civilian air-traffic computer networks had been breached...

Control System Has What It Takes to Guide Experimental Aircraft
From ACM TechNews

Control System Has What It Takes to Guide Experimental Aircraft

Ohio State University (OSU) engineers have developed control system software capable of piloting aircraft that travel faster than the speed of sound by adapting...

From ACM TechNews

Sequoia: The Next Generation of Supercomputer

The Sequoia project, commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), aims to build the world's first 20 petaflop...

From ACM TechNews

Traffic Demands to Disrupt the Internet By 2010

The World Wide Web has reached a critical point, warns Nemertes Research in a new report, which claims that increased online traffic will likely result in slower...

Method For Verifying Safety Of Computer-Controlled Devices Developed
From ACM News

Method For Verifying Safety Of Computer-Controlled Devices Developed

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science have developed a new method for systematically identifying bugs in aircraft collision avoidance...

From ACM TechNews

Netbook Chips Create a Low-Power Cloud

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have successfully used a cluster of the same low-power processors that are used in netbooks and mobile devices to create...

Caltech Electrical Engineer Awarded $6 Million to Develop Self-Healing Circuits
From ACM TechNews

Caltech Electrical Engineer Awarded $6 Million to Develop Self-Healing Circuits

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has awarded California Institute of Technology professor Ali Hajimiri a four-year, $6 million grant to develop self...

Tech Mainstays Promote Machines That Fix Themselves
From ACM News

Tech Mainstays Promote Machines That Fix Themselves

Technology companies are embracing self-healing technology, a computing strategy that could have a major impact on the data center and the desktop. IBM uses self...

From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computers Will Require Complex Software to Manage Errors

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) theorists have demonstrated that a type of software operation, believed to be a solution to the fundamental...

From ACM TechNews

Hpc Experts Meet to Discuss Fault Tolerance

At the Fault Tolerance for Extreme Scalability Workshop, co-sponsored by the National Science Foundation Office of Cyberinfrastructure's Blue Waters and TeraGrid...

World's Most Efficient Supercomputer Gets to Work
From ACM TechNews

World's Most Efficient Supercomputer Gets to Work

The new Fujitsu FX1 supercomputer in Japan has a peak performance of 110.6 teraflops, making it the most powerful machine in Japan and the most efficient supercomputer...

From ACM TechNews

Rti Sponsors Hpc Adoption Conference

The 2009 High-Performance Computing Adoption Conference will be held May 11-13 at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport Hotel. The three-day event will define...

Virus-Built Battery Could Power Cars, Electronic Devices
From ACM TechNews

Virus-Built Battery Could Power Cars, Electronic Devices

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers led by professor Angela Belcher have developed batteries by genetically engineering viruses to build the...

High-Performance System Available For Computationally-Demanding Problems
From ACM News

High-Performance System Available For Computationally-Demanding Problems

Scientist Dr. Russ Miller (pictured) is leading the rollout of "Magic," one of the most powerful computers in New York State, to qualified users worldwide for solving...
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