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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Free Systems Biology Markup Language Has Proven Popular
From ACM News

Free Systems Biology Markup Language Has Proven Popular

A scientific paper that describes a file format used by scientists to represent models of biological processes has exceeded 500 citations in the ISI Web of Knowledge...

From ACM TechNews

Hp Labs Opens Singapore Research Hub

Hewlett-Packard (HP) Labs announced the opening of a new research and development  center in Singapore. The Singapore lab will work on research in cloud computing...

Tech Industry Searching For Girls Gone Geek
From ACM TechNews

Tech Industry Searching For Girls Gone Geek

The flagging attraction of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) professions to young women is partly attributed to the geek factor, or the perception...

Game Trains Soldiers in a Virtual Iraq or Afghanistan
From ACM TechNews

Game Trains Soldiers in a Virtual Iraq or Afghanistan

University of Texas at Dallas researchers are developing First Person Cultural Trainer, a computer training tool designed to make it easier for military personnel...

To Create Jobs, Streamline Technology Transfer, Report Says
From ACM News

To Create Jobs, Streamline Technology Transfer, Report Says

Job creation in the U.S. will largely depend on start-up companies and entrepreneurs who populate university research parks, laboratories and incubators across...

The Mathematics Behind a Good Night's Sleep
From ACM News

The Mathematics Behind a Good Night's Sleep

Professor of Mathematics Mark Holmes and his graduate student Lisa Rogers are using math to develop a new computer model that can be easily manipulated by other...

Lights, Camera, Action: Cue the Goldfish
From ACM News

Lights, Camera, Action: Cue the Goldfish

Biologist Scott McRobert, professor of biology at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, Pa., developed "Fish Cam," an online site for students of all ages...

Architects and Engineers Bridge the Grid Chasm
From ICT Results

Architects and Engineers Bridge the Grid Chasm

In the technology adoption cycle, a chasm separates powerful new technologies from the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that could most benefit from them. Now...

Sat-Nav Systems ­nder Growing Threat from 'jammers'
From ACM News

Sat-Nav Systems ­nder Growing Threat from 'jammers'

Technology that depends on satellite-navigation signals is increasingly threatened by attack from widely available equipment, experts say. While "jamming" sat-nav...

The Internet Can Make You Smarter, Experts Say
From ACM TechNews

The Internet Can Make You Smarter, Experts Say

A Pew Internet survey of 900 scientists, business leaders, and technology developers found that most thought that the Internet can improve humanity's overall grasp...

From ACM TechNews

Optimization Server Reaches Two Million Milestone

Two million problems have now been submitted to the U.S. Department of Energy's Networked-Enabled Optimization System (NEOS). A decade ago, there were less than...

Larger Threat Is Seen in Google Case
From ACM News

Larger Threat Is Seen in Google Case

Three Google executives were convicted of violating Italian privacy laws on Wednesday, the first case to hold the company’s executives criminally responsible for...

Take a Nanooze Break
From ACM News

Take a Nanooze Break

A new exhibition at the Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, FL, will bring visitors face to face with the nanoworld. Take a Nanooze Break features interactive...

From ACM News

They bring their cell phones to bed with them. They admit to texting while driving. They're almost certain to have a profile on social networking sites like MySpace...

Experts Warn of Catastrophe From Cyberattacks
From ACM TechNews

Experts Warn of Catastrophe From Cyberattacks

A panel of experts told U.S. senators at a recent hearing of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation that the United States would be defeated...

From ACM TechNews

Near-Threshold Computing Could Enable ­p to 100x Reduction in Power Consumption

University of Michigan researchers are developing near-threshold computing (NTC) technology, which could allow electronic devices to operate at lower voltages than...

The ­nused Cellphone App: 'calling'
From ACM News

The ­nused Cellphone App: 'calling'

Harvard University senior Drew Robb is so attached to his cellphone that he keeps it by his bedside at night and in his front jeans pocket every day. He uses the...

Katayanagi Prizes and Other CS Awards
From Communications of the ACM

Katayanagi Prizes and Other CS Awards

Donald E. Knuth, Jon Kleinberg, Andrew Herbert, and other members of the computer science community were recently honored...

Tracking Garbage
From Communications of the ACM

Tracking Garbage

Researchers are focusing on the so-called "removal chain" in an attempt to save landfill space, improve recycling rates, and trim the flow of toxic materials into...

Engineering the Web's Third Decade
From Communications of the ACM

Engineering the Web's Third Decade

As Web technologies move beyond two-way interactive capabilities to facilitate more dynamic and pervasive experiences, the Web is quickly advancing toward its third...
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