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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Healthcare, The Road to Robotic Helpers
From ICT Results

Healthcare, The Road to Robotic Helpers

Robots are whirring away in factories all over the world, building cars, phones and cookers. Yet they can do so much more. Robotics for healthcare has been tipped...

Is the Future of Healthcare Online?
From ACM TechNews

Is the Future of Healthcare Online?

An international coalition of medical and technology companies called the Continua Health Alliance is encouraging the migration of healthcare to the Web, as remote...

Wiring Rural America: Which Technology Is Best?
From ACM News

Wiring Rural America: Which Technology Is Best?

Reaching the most remote rural customers with high-speed Internet access can be prohibitively expensive. Consider the case of Hill Country Telephone Cooperative...

Does This Avatar Make Me Look Fat?
From ACM News

Does This Avatar Make Me Look Fat?

Creating a Second Life avatar, or virtual representation of oneself, that is thin and physically fit may encourage individuals to become healthier and more physically...

A Police Woman Fights Quantum Hacking and Cracking
From ACM TechNews

A Police Woman Fights Quantum Hacking and Cracking

Quantum computing will give people and institutions an enormous amount of computing power, but it will also make their data vulnerable to attack. For Julia Kempe...

Yawn Alert For Weary Drivers
From ACM TechNews

Yawn Alert For Weary Drivers

An in-car system for detecting driver fatigue has the potential to reduce traffic accidents caused by tired drivers, according to Aurobinda Mishra of Vanderbilt...

From ACM TechNews

Future Tech on Show at 36th Siggraph

Mk Haley, a juror for the Emerging Technologies area of SIGGRAPH 2009, says an ear-tugging navigator is the type of exhibit that will get people thinking and talking...

Halted '03 Iraq Plan Illustrates ­.s. Fear of Cyberwar Risk
From ACM TechNews

Halted '03 Iraq Plan Illustrates ­.s. Fear of Cyberwar Risk

At the core of the U.S. Obama Administration and its Pentagon leadership's efforts to develop rules governing cyberwarfare is the question of whether offensive...

Nurses Open to Idea of Robots
From ACM TechNews

Nurses Open to Idea of Robots

A study performed by SINTEF for the Norwegian Association of Local Regional Authorities found that nurses and care-sector employees would welcome sensor and robot...

Green500 List: Supercomputer Efficiency Continues to Improve
From ACM News

Green500 List: Supercomputer Efficiency Continues to Improve

The fifth edition of Virginia Tech's Green500 List shows that supercomputers continue to use less power even as their capacity soars. Computers raking in top spots...

From ACM News

Nist Releases Cybersecurity Recommendations For Federal Government

he U.S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released on Friday (July 31) its final version of a publication that represents...

Talking Paperclip Inspires Less Irksome Virtual Assistant
From ACM TechNews

Talking Paperclip Inspires Less Irksome Virtual Assistant

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has spent an estimated $150 million developing an artificially intelligent (AI) virtual assistant. DARPA's...

A Portrait of STEM Majors
From ACM TechNews

A Portrait of STEM Majors

A new report from the U.S. Education Department delves into how young students fare when they pursue science and technology degrees in college. The report, "Students...

From ACM TechNews

­.s. Government Soliciting Broadband Experts

The Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is seeking industry experts to evaluate grant proposals for its $4...

Cambridge ­niversity Builds Lamppost-Mounted Traffic-Counting Sensors
From ACM TechNews

Cambridge ­niversity Builds Lamppost-Mounted Traffic-Counting Sensors

Sensors would offer traffic authorities a better way to measure traffic flow, according to a team at the University of Cambridge. The researchers plan to mount...

Video Game Minority Report: Lots of Players, Few Characters
From ACM News

Video Game Minority Report: Lots of Players, Few Characters

First comprehensive census of video game characters finds Latinos nearly invisible; women, other groups underrepresented. Combined with wide reach of video games...

Want Responsible Robotics? Start with Responsible Humans
From ACM News

Want Responsible Robotics? Start with Responsible Humans

When the legendary science fiction writer Isaac Asimov penned the "Three Laws of Responsible Robotics," he forever changed the way humans think about artificial...

­.s. Supercomputing Lead Rings Sputnik-Like Alarm For Russia
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Supercomputing Lead Rings Sputnik-Like Alarm For Russia

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev recently criticized his country's information technology industry for failing to develop supercomputing technology, and urged...

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Try to Stalk Botnets ­sed By Hackers

To track the spread of botnets, Sandia National Laboratories computer security specialists Rob Minnich and Don Rudish have converted a Dell Thunderbird supercomputer...

Siggraph Announces Winners of New Award Honoring Achievement in Digital Art
From ACM TechNews

Siggraph Announces Winners of New Award Honoring Achievement in Digital Art

Minneapolis College of Art & Design professor Roman Verostko and University of California, Davis professor Lynn Hershman Leeson are the winners of the first ACM...
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