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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

SIGGRAPH 2009 Seeks Live Real-Time Video Games Content

The SIGGRAPH 2009 Computer Animation Festival will include a segment on real-time rendering projects, in which the top selections will be played and demonstrated...

From ACM TechNews

A Serious Approach to Games

Coventry University in the United Kingdom has opened the Serious Games Institute (SGI), a new program designed to develop hardware and software applications that...

SIGGRAPH Debuts in Asia
From Communications of the ACM

SIGGRAPH Debuts in Asia

ACM's premier computer graphics conference hosts its first-ever graphics event in Asia, with a more global focus.

The First Internet President
From Communications of the ACM

The First Internet President

Barack Obama's presidential campaign utilized the Internet and information technology unlike any previous political campaign. How politicians and the public interact...

Making Sense of Sensors
From Communications of the ACM

Making Sense of Sensors

Researchers are recognizing the potential of position sensors to help them overcome the limitations of traditional user interfaces.

Photography's Bright Future
From Communications of the ACM

Photography's Bright Future

Researchers working in computational photography are using computer vision, computer graphics, and applied optics to bring a vast array of new capabilities to digital...

USACM's Policy Role
From Communications of the ACM

USACM's Policy Role

ACM members have a professional duty to ensure that the public comprehends and benefits from advances in computing.

From ACM TechNews

Auto Gear-Change Bicycle: Computer Controlled Bicycle Gear Changes Optimize Power, Comfort

Researchers in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at National Defense University in Tashi, Taiwan, are developing a computer system for bicyclists that tells...

ACM's Annual Report
From Communications of the ACM

ACM's Annual Report

I would be hard-pressed to recall in my four decades as an ACM member a time as eventful and exceptional as recorded by ACM in FY08.

A Pioneer Woman
From Communications of the ACM

A Pioneer Woman

Programmer Jean Bartik is inducted into the Computer History Museum's Hall of Fellows.

Context-Aware Smartphones
From Communications of the ACM

Context-Aware Smartphones

Future generations of smartphones will be context aware, tracking your behavior, providing information about the immediate environment, and anticipating your intentions...

The Universe in Your Computer
From Communications of the ACM

The Universe in Your Computer

Two virtual astronomical telescopes promise to transform the way people view and study the cosmos.

Calculating the Future
From Communications of the ACM

Calculating the Future

Climate researchers have no shortage of scientific issues on which to expend computer power. The biggest problem is choosing which one to tackle first.

From ACM TechNews

More and More, Schools Got Game

Teachers are increasingly incorporating video games, virtual reality, and simulations to improve education. Business and science classes are starting to use sophisticated...

Touching the Future
From Communications of the ACM

Touching the Future

In combination with finger and hand gestures, multitouch input is enabling users to manipulate and display information in innovative and unprecedented ways.

Upwardly Mobile
From Communications of the ACM

Upwardly Mobile

Mobile phones are bridging the digital divide and transforming many economic, social, and medical realities, particularly in developing nations.

Living Machines
From Communications of the ACM

Living Machines

Researchers of molecular computing and communication are focusing on the type of breakthroughs needed to make the vision of ultrasmall, biocompatible computers....

Making a Difference
From Communications of the ACM

Making a Difference

The Grace Hopper Celebration featured technical talks, workshops, networking events, and lively discussions about increasing the number of women in computer science...

The Limits of Computability
From Communications of the ACM

The Limits of Computability

Computational complexity and intractability may help scientists better understand how humans process information and make decisions.

Analyzing Online Social Networks
From Communications of the ACM

Analyzing Online Social Networks

Social network analysis explains why some sites succeed and others fail, how physical and online social networks differ and are alike, and attempts to predict how...
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