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subjectCommunications / Networking
authorBloomberg Businessweek

The Rise and Fall of Blackberry: An Oral History
From ACM Opinion

The Rise and Fall of Blackberry: An Oral History

In 1984, Mike Lazaridis, an engineering student at the University of Waterloo, and Douglas Fregin, an engineering student at the University of Windsor, founded...

Charlie Rose Talks to Nathan Myhrvold
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Charlie Rose Talks to Nathan Myhrvold

You worked for years at Microsoft, where things now look uncertain.

The False Promise of Classroom Technology
From ACM Opinion

The False Promise of Classroom Technology

The cover story of Life magazine on Oct. 16 was "U.S. Schools: They Face a Crisis."

Why the Googlification of Obamacare Really Matters
From ACM Opinion

Why the Googlification of Obamacare Really Matters

The Internet is piling yet more vitriol on the shoddy Obamacare rollout in response to a report, by Bloomberg's Alex Wayne, that the administration has recruited...

Why Apple Wants Its Software to Be Free
From ACM Opinion

Why Apple Wants Its Software to Be Free

Who knew Apple would become such a big shareware company?

Apple Chiefs Discuss Strategy, Market Share—and the New iPhones
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Apple Chiefs Discuss Strategy, Market Share—and the New iPhones

Apple's doomed.

Nsa Surveillance Makes For Strange Bedfellows
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Nsa Surveillance Makes For Strange Bedfellows

The controversy over U.S. government surveillance has produced a king-size collection of strange bedfellows. Beneath the covers one finds both amusing ironies and...

Craig Venter on the Hail Mary Genome and Synthetic Meat
From ACM Opinion

Craig Venter on the Hail Mary Genome and Synthetic Meat

Where are we in the hype cycle of synthetic biology?

Miscreants of the Internet Love to Torture Brian Krebs
From ACM Opinion

Miscreants of the Internet Love to Torture Brian Krebs

What is Brian Krebs?

Will Facebook's Robot Censors Know Porn When They See It?
From ACM Opinion

Will Facebook's Robot Censors Know Porn When They See It?

The old trope about pornography is that you’ll know it when you see it. Facebook is betting that not only will it know it, but that the social network will be able...

Balancing Security and Liberty in the Age of Big Data
From ACM Opinion

Balancing Security and Liberty in the Age of Big Data

A very large Internet company once had the noble impulse to share some of its data with the research community.

Charlie Rose Talks to Tumblr's David Karp
From ACM Opinion

Charlie Rose Talks to Tumblr's David Karp

What made you decide that this was the right time to sell—and that Yahoo! was the right buyer?

Netflix, Reed Hastings Survive Missteps to Join Silicon Valley's Elite
From ACM Careers

Netflix, Reed Hastings Survive Missteps to Join Silicon Valley's Elite

On a normal weeknight, Netflix accounts for almost a third of all Internet traffic entering North American homes. That's more than YouTube, Hulu,, HBO...

How Boston Police Won the Twitter Wars During the Marathon Bomber Hunt
From ACM Opinion

How Boston Police Won the Twitter Wars During the Marathon Bomber Hunt

The first official announcement that law enforcement agencies had concluded their manhunt for Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev didn't come at a...

Paul Mockapetris, Inventor of the Domain Name System, Wants to Filter the Web
From ACM Opinion

Paul Mockapetris, Inventor of the Domain Name System, Wants to Filter the Web

Before the Internet, there was the ARPANet, a closed computer network that pretty much shut down on weekends and over holidays.

Apple and the Mysterious Case of the Missing Moonshot
From ACM Opinion

Apple and the Mysterious Case of the Missing Moonshot

When John Morrell left his post at Yale University last year and decamped to Apple, some members of the robotics community were perplexed.

Bitcoin May Be the Global Economy's Last Safe Haven
From ACM News

Bitcoin May Be the Global Economy's Last Safe Haven

One of the oddest bits of news to emerge from the economic collapse of Cyprus is a corresponding rise in the value of Bitcoin, the Internet’s favorite, media-friendly...

Google's Self-Driving Robot Cars Are Ruining My Commute
From ACM Opinion

Google's Self-Driving Robot Cars Are Ruining My Commute

My hometown, Mountain View, Calif., has become the unofficial capital of the robotic car revolution.

Why All Reporters (not Just J-School Students) Should Learn to Fly Drones
From ACM Opinion

Why All Reporters (not Just J-School Students) Should Learn to Fly Drones

These days the future of journalism may look cloudy. But one thing about the future of the business is clear, according to ABC News. It will be full of drones.

Brogrammers Making Sex Jokes and Other Reasons Startups Need Hr Departments
From ACM Opinion

Brogrammers Making Sex Jokes and Other Reasons Startups Need Hr Departments

When I worked at a startup, we jokingly referred to our "HR department"—a cardboard box that held resumes, NDAs, tax forms, whatever.
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