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authorBloomberg Businessweek

Bre Pettis: 3d Printing's First Celebrity
From ACM Careers

Bre Pettis: 3d Printing's First Celebrity

Bre Pettis looks like a throwback. He’s got an Elvis Presley-meets-Buddy Holly thing going on with his chunky sideburns, thick-rimmed black glasses, and sculpted...

Move Over, Eye Candy. Here Comes the Business Tech Boom
From ACM Careers

Move Over, Eye Candy. Here Comes the Business Tech Boom

Sometimes an IPO is more than just another IPO, and that's the case with Palo Alto Networks, which has just filed to go public.

The Education of Google's Larry Page
From ACM Opinion

The Education of Google's Larry Page

Larry Page is surrounded.

Can Speech-Recognition Software Work in Mandarin?
From ACM Opinion

Can Speech-Recognition Software Work in Mandarin?

In anticipation of Apple’s introduction of Siri in Chinese this year, I decided to try Dragon, a line of smartphone voice apps by Nuance Communications—the company...

Silicon Valley's Humble Billionaire
From ACM Opinion

Silicon Valley's Humble Billionaire

It's a Saturday afternoon in Palo Alto, Calif., and there goes David Cheriton, navigating the Silicon Valley suburb's tony downtown on his bike.

From ACM Opinion

Researchers Detail Flaw in Online Cryptography, but Don't Panic

First, the bad news: A small number of active RSA public encryption keys, a popular type of encryption protocol that secures billions of online transactions, offer...
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