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Orwell Was Right: Oliver Stone on What Makes Snowden Exciting
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Orwell Was Right: Oliver Stone on What Makes Snowden Exciting

Oliver Stone wants you to know he's not an activist.

Snowden: 'i Never Thought I'd Be Saved' After Nsa Leaks
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Snowden: 'i Never Thought I'd Be Saved' After Nsa Leaks

When Edward Snowden leaked highly classified secrets about government spying, he changed the way the world thinks of cybersecurity.

The Snowden Effect: Privacy Is Good For Business
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The Snowden Effect: Privacy Is Good For Business

On June 6, 2013, Edward Snowden—holed up in a Hong Kong hotel room with two Guardian reporters and a filmmaker—told the world about a secret surveillance program...

All Hail Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, King of the Bots
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All Hail Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, King of the Bots

Mark Zuckerberg was once the boy king of Silicon Valley. Now he wants to be the bot king of Silicon Valley.

Mind Craft
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Mind Craft

Concerned because you can't pry your daughter away from Minecraft? Worried that your son spends every moment obsessing over moves in the super-popular video game...

Cyberwar, Out of the Shadows
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Cyberwar, Out of the Shadows

A hacking attack on a Las Vegas hotel company. A power grid blackout in the Ukraine. A series of industrial accidents at an Iranian nuclear enrichment lab.

Why Yahoo Faded: The Internet Changed, But It Didn't
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Why Yahoo Faded: The Internet Changed, But It Didn't

Yahoo and I go way back.

For Virtual-Reality Movies, Old Methods Don't Fit New Medium
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For Virtual-Reality Movies, Old Methods Don't Fit New Medium

I'm standing on the bow of what looks to be a sunken pirate ship.

Meet Our Future Robosimian Heroes
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Meet Our Future Robosimian Heroes

Not all robots are built for war and destruction.

Stephen Hawking Asks a Big Question of Mark Zuckerberg
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Stephen Hawking Asks a Big Question of Mark Zuckerberg

Stephen Hawking woke up Tuesday morning and immediately summoned his handlers.

Americans Resigned to Giving ­p Their Privacy, Says Study
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Americans Resigned to Giving ­p Their Privacy, Says Study

I am not fond of depressing you. So I'm going to leave it to a new study performed by the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School For Communication.

Google on Eu Troubles: 'we Don't Always Get It Right'
From ACM Opinion

Google on Eu Troubles: 'we Don't Always Get It Right'

Google is in hot water in Europe, and its head of European operations is trying to cool things off.

Hbo's John Oliver Hits Snowden Hard on Nsa Leaks
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Hbo's John Oliver Hits Snowden Hard on Nsa Leaks

Edward Snowden and an unlikely interviewer squared-off on HBO over the leaks that exposed the National Security Agency's extensive surveillance programs.

Best Medical Science Images of 2015
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Best Medical Science Images of 2015

The Wellcome Trust has announced the 20 winners of its 2015 Image Awards for medical science images. Here are our favourites.

How Apple's Embrace of the New ­sb Points to World Without Wires
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How Apple's Embrace of the New ­sb Points to World Without Wires

Ready or not, Apple's new MacBook is cutting the computing industry's cables.

Rosie or Jarvis: The Future of the Smart Home Is Still in the Air
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Rosie or Jarvis: The Future of the Smart Home Is Still in the Air

The tech industry once again can't decide: When it comes to the home of the future, will it have a centralized computer telling you when to mop floors, clean windows...

Hacker Mitnick Has a Plan to Help You Stay Safe Online
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Hacker Mitnick Has a Plan to Help You Stay Safe Online

Even famed hacker Kevin Mitnick—labeled a "computer terrorist" by the FBI in the '90s—worries about getting hacked.

Oculus Rift 'fantastic' But Won't Replace Movies, Says 'minority Report' Fx Guru
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Oculus Rift 'fantastic' But Won't Replace Movies, Says 'minority Report' Fx Guru

Oculus Rift is "fantastic" but virtual reality won't replace movies just yet, according to two legends of special effects.

Vimeo Tech Chief Takes on 'terrifying' Online Video Challenges
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Vimeo Tech Chief Takes on 'terrifying' Online Video Challenges

Think online video is old hat? Think again.

Intel Meets its 'makers,' with Chips For Diy Set and the Firms They'll Found
From ACM Opinion

Intel Meets its 'makers,' with Chips For Diy Set and the Firms They'll Found

Intel's Edison chip has been launched in a rocket, floated in a weather balloon, fitted into a futuristic light-emitting dress and used to power a dancing robot...
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