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The Russia Investigations: The U.S. Launches a Digital Offensive, Gently
From ACM Opinion

The Russia Investigations: The U.S. Launches a Digital Offensive, Gently

Everyone knows how to picture the special operations troopers of, for example, the Army's elite Delta Force: Rough-looking customers with custom carbines and advanced...

Apple CEO Tim Cook on Screen Time Controls, Working with China
From ACM Opinion

Apple CEO Tim Cook on Screen Time Controls, Working with China

Tim Cook, who has led Apple since 2011, spoke with NPR's Steve Inskeep in a wide-ranging interview on Monday as the company kicked off its annual Worldwide Developers...

Wikipedia Founder Says Internet ­sers Are Adrift in the 'Fake News' Era
From ACM Opinion

Wikipedia Founder Says Internet ­sers Are Adrift in the 'Fake News' Era

At any given moment, volunteers and paid workers are writing fictional narratives that they present online as news stories, and some of those will get picked up...

Autonomous Weapons Would Take Warfare to a New Domain, Without Humans
From ACM Opinion

Autonomous Weapons Would Take Warfare to a New Domain, Without Humans

Killer robots have been a staple of TV and movies for decades, from Westworld to The Terminator series. But in the real world, killer robots are officially known...

This 'Gray Hat' Hacker Breaks Into Your Car, to Prove a Point
From ACM Opinion

This 'Gray Hat' Hacker Breaks Into Your Car, to Prove a Point

Cybercrime is expanding beyond computers and cellphones. Cars, washers and dryers, and even toasters are going online—an evolution of technology called the ...

The Father of the Internet Sees His Invention Reflected Back Through a 'Black Mirror'
From ACM Opinion

The Father of the Internet Sees His Invention Reflected Back Through a 'Black Mirror'

In 1984, two men were thinking a lot about the Internet. One of them invented it. The other is an artist who would see its impact on society with uncanny prescience...

Computational Propaganda: Bots, Targeting, and the Future
From ACM Opinion

Computational Propaganda: Bots, Targeting, and the Future

A long time ago, when I was working on my Ph.D. research, I learned to use supercomputers to track the complex 3-D motions of gas blown into space by dying stars...

5 Ways Election Interference Could (and Probably Will) Worsen in 2018 and Beyond
From ACM Opinion

5 Ways Election Interference Could (and Probably Will) Worsen in 2018 and Beyond

If you thought 2016 was bad, just wait for the sequel.

Learning to Spot Fake News: Start with a Gut Check
From ACM Opinion

Learning to Spot Fake News: Start with a Gut Check

Which of these statements seems more trustworthy to you?

President Trump's New Order Gives China Tech Opportunity To 'hire American' Too
From ACM Opinion

President Trump's New Order Gives China Tech Opportunity To 'hire American' Too

The same week that President Trump issued his hire American executive order, the president of one of China's top tech companies said his company wants to do the...

Despite Its Promise, the Internet of Things Remains Vulnerable
From ACM Opinion

Despite Its Promise, the Internet of Things Remains Vulnerable

More and more of the things we use every day are being connected to the Internet.

If To Err Is Human, Should Technology Help ­s Shed Some Humanity?
From ACM Opinion

If To Err Is Human, Should Technology Help ­s Shed Some Humanity?

By all accounts, technology has made us safer.

Documentary Explores The Cyber-War Secrets Of Stuxnet
From ACM Opinion

Documentary Explores The Cyber-War Secrets Of Stuxnet

Alex Gibney's new documentary, Zero Days, looks at the Stuxnet worm—a cyber weapon developed by the U.S. and Israel.

Why The Fbi Director Puts Tape Over His Webcam
From ACM Opinion

Why The Fbi Director Puts Tape Over His Webcam

FBI Director James Comey gave a speech this week about encryption and privacy, repeating his argument that "absolute privacy" hampers law enforcement. But it was...

Why Digital Security Is an 'arms Race' Between Firms and the Feds
From ACM Opinion

Why Digital Security Is an 'arms Race' Between Firms and the Feds

The Apple-FBI standoff, where Apple is refusing to write special software that would help investigators crack into an iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters...

The Cybersecurity Argument For and Against Device Encryption
From ACM Opinion

The Cybersecurity Argument For and Against Device Encryption

Government officials argue that encrypted communication poses national security risks. But tech companies say that making it possible to unlock devices would make...

Apple Ceo Tim Cook: 'privacy Is a Fundamental Human Right'
From ACM Opinion

Apple Ceo Tim Cook: 'privacy Is a Fundamental Human Right'

Apple has long touted the power and design of its devices, but recently the world's most valuable company has been emphasizing another feature: privacy.

How Close Are We Really to a Robot-Run Society?
From ACM Opinion

How Close Are We Really to a Robot-Run Society?

From Rosie, the Jetsons' robot maid, to Arnold Schwarzenegger's cyborg in The Terminator, popular culture has frequently conceived of robots as having a human-like...

Infiltrating 'the Dark Net,' Where Criminals, Trolls, and Extremists Reign
From ACM Opinion

Infiltrating 'the Dark Net,' Where Criminals, Trolls, and Extremists Reign

There's a side to the Internet most people have never visited.

As Congress Haggles Over Patriot Act, We Answer 6 Basic Questions
From ACM Opinion

As Congress Haggles Over Patriot Act, We Answer 6 Basic Questions

The rest of the month is setting up to be pretty dramatic in the Senate.
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