From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
A white paper from Partnership on AI advises on navigating the risks of AI research and responsible publication.
Nature Machine Intelligence From ACM Opinion | May 20, 2021
Mariarosaria Taddeo, an associate professor and senior research fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute and Dstl Ethics Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, discusses...Nature From ACM Opinion | May 13, 2021
Proliferating military artificial intelligence will leave the world less safe—so we must focus on ethics and global cooperation, argues Denise Garcia, vice-chair...Nature From ACM Opinion | May 12, 2021
To help humanity solve fundamental problems of cooperation, scientists need to reconceive artificial intelligence as deeply social.
Nature From ACM Opinion | May 6, 2021
Young animals gallop across fields, climb trees and immediately find their feet with enviable grace after they fall.
Nature From ACM Opinion | March 29, 2019
In the midst of growing public concern over artificial intelligence (AI), privacy and the use of data, Brent Hecht has a controversial proposal: the computer-science...Nature From ACM Opinion | July 27, 2018
Cyberattacks are becoming more frequent, sophisticated and destructive. Each day in 2017, the United States suffered, on average, more than 4,000 ransomware attacks...Nature From ACM Opinion | April 17, 2018
In 1968, film-maker Stanley Kubrick and his screenwriting colleague, science-fiction author Arthur C. Clarke, presented 2001: A Space Odyssey. Half a century later...Nature From ACM Opinion | April 3, 2018
Revelations keep emerging in the Cambridge Analytica personal-data scandal, which has captured global public attention for more than a week. But when the dust settles...Nature From ACM Opinion | March 27, 2018
AlphaGo, fake news, cyberwar: 2017 has felt science-fictional in the here and now. Space settlement and sea-steading seem just around the bend; so, at times, do...Nature From ACM Opinion | December 27, 2017
At Mental Work, an exhibition at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne ArtLab (EPFL), visitors can drive simple machines using the force of their own...Nature From ACM Opinion | November 2, 2017
Max Tegmark is a renowned physicist. He is also the irrepressibly optimistic co-founder of the Future of Life Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts (motto: "Technology...Nature From ACM Opinion | September 1, 2017
Seven years ago, a cover of The Economist showed Barack Obama, head down on a Louisiana beach in front of an oil rig—the picture of lonely despair.
Nature From ACM Opinion | June 30, 2017
Nearly 20 years ago, I was fortunate enough to play friendly blitz chess against former world champion Garry Kasparov.
Nature From ACM Opinion | April 27, 2017
Advances in technology pose huge challenges for jobs. Productivity levels have never been higher in the United States, for example, but income for the bottom 50...Nature From ACM Opinion | April 14, 2017
If the United States pulls back on its climate commitments as president-elect Donald Trump has promised, China, the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases,...Nature From ACM Opinion | December 22, 2016
Neil Johnson, a physicist at the University of Miami in Florida, studies patterns that emerge in complex systems.Nature From ACM Opinion | June 17, 2016
In 1984, I was part of a team that was developing a receiver for a satellite-navigation system. After weeks of debugging, the blur of random digits settled on a...Nature From ACM Opinion | March 31, 2016