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Obama's Science Legacy: Betting Big on Biomedical Science
From ACM Opinion

Obama's Science Legacy: Betting Big on Biomedical Science

When president-elect Barack Obama chose physicist John Holdren as his top science adviser in December 2008, some biomedical researchers worried that the pick signalled...

The Science That Fed Frankenstein
From ACM Opinion

The Science That Fed Frankenstein

In 1816, a teenager began to compose what many view as the first true work of science fiction—and unleashed one of the most subversive attacks on modern science...

Validate Personal Air-Pollution Sensors
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Validate Personal Air-Pollution Sensors

The public is increasingly aware of the health and economic costs of air pollution.

The Physicist Who Studies Isis Communities Online
From ACM Opinion

The Physicist Who Studies Isis Communities Online

Neil Johnson, a physicist at the University of Miami in Florida, studies patterns that emerge in complex systems.

­nite to Build a Quantum Internet
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­nite to Build a Quantum Internet

Almost 25 years ago, physicists discovered a way of 'teleporting' a quantum system from one place to another without moving it.

­se or Lose Our Navigation Skills
From ACM Opinion

­se or Lose Our Navigation Skills

In 1984, I was part of a team that was developing a receiver for a satellite-navigation system. After weeks of debugging, the blur of random digits settled on a...

Digital Intuition
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Digital Intuition

Napoleon had it and so did Charles Darwin. Tennis champion Roger Federer has it in spades. The dictionary defines intuition as knowledge obtained without conscious...

Go Players React to Computer Defeat
From ACM Opinion

Go Players React to Computer Defeat

For decades, the ancient game of Go has stood out as the one board game that computers couldn't crack.

China's Quantum Space Pioneer: We Need to Explore the ­nknown
From ACM Opinion

China's Quantum Space Pioneer: We Need to Explore the ­nknown

Physicist Pan Jian-Wei is the architect of the world's first attempt to set up a quantum communications link between Earth and space—an experiment that is set to...

Genome-Editing Revolution: My Whirlwind Year with Crispr
From ACM Opinion

Genome-Editing Revolution: My Whirlwind Year with Crispr

Some 20 months ago, I started having trouble sleeping.

The Science to Look Out For in 2016
From ACM Opinion

The Science to Look Out For in 2016

A Swiss company is set to become the first firm to capture carbon dioxide from the air and sell it on a commercial scale, a stepping stone to larger facilities...

Crispr: A Path Through the Thicket
From ACM Opinion

Crispr: A Path Through the Thicket

The ease of use, accuracy and efficiency of the genome-editing tool CRISPR/Cas9 has led to its broad adoption in research, as well as to preliminary applications...

Informatics: Make Sense of Health Data
From ACM Opinion

Informatics: Make Sense of Health Data

If you are wondering whether exposure to some chemical could increase your chances of getting colon cancer, you could easily find supportive evidence from animal...

Modelling: Build Imprecise Supercomputers
From ACM Opinion

Modelling: Build Imprecise Supercomputers

Today's supercomputers lack the power to model accurately many aspects of the real world, from the impact of cloud systems on Earth's climate to the processing...

Genomics Pioneer Jun Wang on His New AI Venture
From ACM Opinion

Genomics Pioneer Jun Wang on His New AI Venture

Jun Wang is one of China's most famous scientists.

Andre Geim: Graphene's Buzz Has Spread
From ACM Opinion

Andre Geim: Graphene's Buzz Has Spread

More than 600 physicists have descended on Manchester, UK in the past few days for Graphene Week 2015.

Lust and the Turing Test
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Lust and the Turing Test

By and large, we watch movies to be entertained, not to be provoked into deep thought. Occasionally, a film does both.

Crispr Germline Engineering—the Community Speaks
From ACM Opinion

Crispr Germline Engineering—the Community Speaks

With the first papers appearing in the literature that describe CRISPR-Cas9 engineering of human reproductive cells, are we at a new Asilomar moment?

Statistics: P Values Are Just the Tip of the Iceberg
From ACM Opinion

Statistics: P Values Are Just the Tip of the Iceberg

There is no statistic more maligned than the P value.

Mercury Mission Set to End with Dramatic Crash
From ACM Opinion

Mercury Mission Set to End with Dramatic Crash

On 30 April, after more than four years in orbit around Mercury, NASA's MESSENGER probe will plunge to its doom.
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