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Meet the Man Who Gave the Mars Rover Its Eyes
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Man Who Gave the Mars Rover Its Eyes

Iconic pictures from the latest mission to the Red Planet are coming courtesy of space-imaging expert Michael Malin.

Kinect Lab Boss on the Future of Computer Interfaces
From ACM Opinion

Kinect Lab Boss on the Future of Computer Interfaces

Andrew Blake is managing director of Microsoft Research Cambridge, the U.K. lab responsible for the machine learning software behind Kinect.

From ACM Opinion

Time For Robots to Get Real

From robotic slug-killers to dancing humanoids, there's a lot of media buzz around robots.

From ACM Opinion

The Man Who Saves Stephen Hawking's Voice

Sam Blackburn has been responsible for the technology which allows Stephen Hawking to communicate for the past five years. Now he's moving on. The challenge for...

Intel Anthropologist: Fieldwork with the Silicon Tribe
From ACM News

Intel Anthropologist: Fieldwork with the Silicon Tribe

Anthropologist Genevieve Bell gives the chip maker insight into how people experience new technologies.
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