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Tony Fadell: From Iphones to Sexing ­p Thermostats
From ACM Opinion

Tony Fadell: From Iphones to Sexing ­p Thermostats

After you left Apple, you developed a "smart" thermostat. Was that always your plan?

'biology Is a Manufacturing Capability'
From ACM Opinion

'biology Is a Manufacturing Capability'

Soon we'll be able to engineer living things with mechanical precision, says Tom Knight, father of synthetic biology.

Patent Could Shackle 3D Printers with Drm
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Patent Could Shackle 3D Printers with Drm

One of the greatest benefits of 3D printing technology—the ability to make replacements or parts for household objects like toys, utensils and gadgets—may be denied...

Meet the Man Who Gave the Mars Rover Its Eyes
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Meet the Man Who Gave the Mars Rover Its Eyes

Iconic pictures from the latest mission to the Red Planet are coming courtesy of space-imaging expert Michael Malin.

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Augmented Reality Offers a New Layer of Intrigue

If you ever come across a photograph of communist-era East Berlin, or modern Pyongyang in North Korea, the cityscapes look drab and featureless. Billboards, advertising...

Kinect Lab Boss on the Future of Computer Interfaces
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Kinect Lab Boss on the Future of Computer Interfaces

Andrew Blake is managing director of Microsoft Research Cambridge, the U.K. lab responsible for the machine learning software behind Kinect.

Was Our Interview with Lulzsec Hacker an Fbi Set-­p?
From ACM Opinion

Was Our Interview with Lulzsec Hacker an Fbi Set-­p?

In the early hours of 30 June last year, my time spent monitoring the Anonymous chat room finally paid off: "Sabu" would grant me an interview. 

From ACM Opinion

Time For Robots to Get Real

From robotic slug-killers to dancing humanoids, there's a lot of media buzz around robots.

Could You Make It Past Google's Gatekeepers?
From ACM Careers

Could You Make It Past Google's Gatekeepers?

How many taxis are there in New York City? You either know how to answer that question or you don't.

From ACM Opinion

The Man Who Saves Stephen Hawking's Voice

Sam Blackburn has been responsible for the technology which allows Stephen Hawking to communicate for the past five years. Now he's moving on. The challenge for...

From ACM Opinion

A Few Simple Checks Would Transform Science Reporting

The U.K.'s Leveson inquiry is not just about illegally obtained tittle-tattle, it's a chance to curb sensationalist misreporting of science.

I Want to Give Poor Children Computers and Walk Away
From ACM Opinion

I Want to Give Poor Children Computers and Walk Away

Can tablet computers "parachuted" into remote areas transform childhood learning, asks Nicholas Negroponte, the man behind One Laptop per Child.

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Welcome to the Age of the Splinternet

Openness is the Internet's great strength—and weakness. With powerful forces carving it up, is its golden age coming to an end?

Interview with Key Lulzsec Hacker
From ACM News

Interview with Key Lulzsec Hacker

It was early May when LulzSec's profile skyrocketed after a hack on the giant Sony corporation. LulzSec's name comes from Lulz, a corruption of LOL, often denoting...

Intel Anthropologist: Fieldwork with the Silicon Tribe
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Intel Anthropologist: Fieldwork with the Silicon Tribe

Anthropologist Genevieve Bell gives the chip maker insight into how people experience new technologies.

The Internet Is a Tyrant's Friend
From ACM Opinion

The Internet Is a Tyrant's Friend

As recent events in Egypt and Tunisia so aptly demonstrate, technology is a double-edged sword: while pro-democracy protesters used sites like Facebook to organise...

From ACM Opinion

2011 Preview: Million-Dollar Mathematics Problem

A draft solution to the so-called "P versus NP" problem generated excitement in 2010; will 2011 bring a correct proof?

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Apple, Trackpads, and the Long Death of the Mouse

Another day, another envelope-pushing design from Apple intended to make us rethink the way we interact with our computers. Welcome to the Magic Trackpad.

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Google Should Answer Some Searching Questions

Google woos people with its "don't be evil" slogan and assures us that everything it does is meant to enhance our online experience. But a new study by U.S. advocacy...

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Don't Let Politicians Forget the E Word

Hugh Griffiths is chair of the executive committee of the Campaign for Science & Engineering (CaSE) and chair in intelligent radar systems at University College...
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